The American people are petrified. But more than anything else, they feel betrayed. to politics – -10 points –
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They are scared. But more than anything else, they feel betrayed.

These are Americans who play by the rules, pay their taxes and respect authority. Every single day they keep their compact with our nation. And every single day they feel cast aside or ignored by the system they have supported their entire lives.

They now look out their windows at a nation that has been purposefully divided by political elites, activists and anarchists looking to consolidate power, increase their control over the masses, cash in or (usually) all three.

I remember being negative on a previous piece by this author but this piece is quite good.

Ugh, that article almost perfectly embodies why the Nazi party in Germany called themselves “socialist”.

Taking the obvious failure of capitalism and blaming it on “elites” and “identity politics” is almost verbatim Goebbles propaganda, just that he used the terms “Jews” and “degenerates” as stand-ins for the same ideas.

"...anarchists looking to consolidate power...", they don't even know what anarchism means. Was this a dumb AI drivel content? Reads like it.

This is the piece of shit opinion piece I referred to by him that I made a negative post about:

I don’t agree with everything in the post’s story, but as an opinion piece worth posting on Lemmy for discussion it is miles above the linked piece.

Just look at the two paragraphs: "To be sure, millions of these petrified Americans believe the Democrats have gleefully allowed the “woke” left of their party to systematically destroy everything or every institution they depend upon for quality-of-life issues. Be those pertaining to energy independence, higher education, housing, the financial system, the supply chain, border security, the military, the medical and pharmaceutical industry, the media or entertainment. The woke left now dictates — with the blessing of Democratic politician enablers — that all must now be viewed and run through the distorted lens of identity politics.

But when these same millions of hurting Americans turn their eyes toward a Republican Party that promises to reverse all the damage being done by the left, they see only out-of-touch elitists doing the bidding of the corporate elites, while breaking every promise made."

If that isn't the to-the-t playbook of 'both sides' in a more wordy format, I'll eat my hat. It also manages to place the blame squarely on the democrats for their 'wokeness.' Somehow they've broken higher education, the financial system, the supply chain, 'border security,' the military..... good god, what hasn't been destroyed by ThE demOCraTS!

And that this is trying to be a cheerleader piece for RFK Jr. aimed at liberals shows what the desired outcome is, despite how fashy it sounds.