All are different movies. to Lemmy – 515 points –

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Edit: My mistake, I was misinformed. He's not a fascist.

W……what?? If this is meant to be a joke, ok, but not well executed. If it’s not, please do not cheapen the term, especially in these times

I’m assuming he’s referencing the Rock sticking with Vince McMahon and/or his pro-Israel stance.

That and putting out a statement about not endorsing anyone that was basically a whistle blow so conservatives feel good about giving him money. Not that they ever stopped anyways but you know, can't risk not having another million on top of your million pile.

Those things and his complaints about woke culture which aligns with fascism, but I don't think he's actually a fascist after looking into it more.

No, anyone who is not completely aligned with my political beliefs is a fascist

No, you're right. He endorsed Biden, then said he regretted it and went on a rant about "woke culture". You can call him a fascist because he's offering an alt-right complaint, and regrets endorsing the non-fascist candidate.

He's at the very least a shithead.

Yeah, I think shithead is appropriate in this case, but fascist is using an already abused word incorrectly. I don't see evidence that he's a fascist.

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