Fisker now expects to go bankrupt within 30 days to – 278 points –
Fisker now expects to go bankrupt within 30 days

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Thanks MKBHD for not sucking corporate dick and actually showing issues with products and helping people make informed decisions on their purchases, right?

of course, i posted this as a joke (like "thanks Obama"), i really doubt his review had anything to do with the company going bankrupt, but seeing the downvotes i'll really think twice before commenting

Down votes are fake on here. Never think more than once before commenting.

Never think more than once before commenting.

That's still too many thinks!

yeah, but it's dialogue, when what you're saying is met with disagreement you stop talking, though in many cases it's misunderstanding, people not getting the joke or what I want to convey (not native English speaker here BTW), generally i find people here more ideology-driven and rarely getting the jokes, than on reddit, it was more loose back there (mandatory fuck spez obvs)

Yes, people seem a little less likely to get a joke in the Lemmy communities I participate on than elsewhere I frequent online.

dont let the disagree votes stop you. their weight is meaningless

and if you get downvoted for a good joke, let it roll

but seeing the downvotes i’ll really think twice before commenting

there is no point to farming karma on lemmy

What did he do?

Reviewed their car. People saw what they are buying before the purchase.

The automaker released the Fisker Ocean SUV in June 2023. During the company's earnings call last week, it warned that Fisker might not have enough funds to survive 2024.

Seems like the company is going down even without the bad review.

This will be the second time Fisker is going to declare bankruptcy.