Trump Was Warned to Return Records to Archives, Unsealed Documents Say to politics – 322 points –
Trump Was Warned to Return Records to Archives, Unsealed Documents Say

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Wait, he still has them?!

The preamble of the article clarifies that documents showing that his advisors told him if he kept the documents he would be charged, have been unsealed. The obvious importance being that he cannot use the defence of, "Who knew?!"

Regular people don't get to use being unaware of laws as a defense so it shouldn't even matter.

But it does apparently because he is a rich narcissist.

On advice of council is a defense. And this shows he did the opposite.

It was already ruled that Jr was too dumb to have colluded with Russia despite their best efforts to work with him during his dad's campaign.

The argument isn't that he was unaware of the law but that he was unaware he was violating it. In order to be convicted of mishandling the classified documents it has to be proven that he did it intentionally. The law is forgiving for accidental mishandling.

It refutes more than just playing dumb. It also confirms that all of his magic declassification excuses are bullshit and he knows it. He also used promises of a pardon to convince the guy to do things that both knew were illegal. Textbook definition of criminal conspiracy and corruption.

Trump took boxes onto the plane before the search The FBI didn't search a closet and a storage area that they were supposed to. They were kept on stage in a ballroom. They were stored next to a copier in a bathroom. Cellphones have cameras.

Of course he still has documents. And those that he doesn't have were copied or photographed. God only knows how many hands they're in now.