Saved from her dead mother's womb, baby Sabreen was laid to rest in a mournful and sometimes angry funeral to World – 93 points –
Saved from her dead mother's womb, baby Sabreen was laid to rest in a mournful and sometimes angry funeral

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One death is a tragedy 1 million is a statistic. How the fuck is one dead kid world news shit like this happens every day.

Because the kid was killed in an area the Israelis told the Palestinians to evacuate to then attacked them anyway? πŸ€” Or that she was still in utero when her mom and sibling were killed in the same attack?

Or that (if I'm not mixing events in my head), only 4 of the 22 killed in that attack were even adults.

That quote is commonly attributed to Stalin (though without proof, but alas)... Is that really a quote you wanna take for a walk?

Because humans are fucking dumb and can only hold enough space in their primitive fucking brains for one tragedy at a time. A million tragedies is incomprehensible (and probably fucking should be).

If the goal is to minimise overall human suffering is statistics not a better framework to view such things?

Depends what you mean by "view." If you mean to quantify, then sure. If you mean to empathize, then no, I don't believe statistics is a good framework.

Better view in the pursuit of minimising human suffering. To target the most important things to achieve the greatest good with the lowest expence.

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