The Internet Archive's last-ditch effort to save itself to – 263 points –
The Internet Archive's last-ditch effort to save itself

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Wow, lot of boot lickers in this thread.

Unjust laws need pressure to be changed. I salute IA for their attempts to push progress.

For me it's not boot licking but recognizing that IA made a huge unforced error that may cost us all not just that digital lending program but stuff like the Wayback Machine and all the other good projects the IA runs.

Exactly. Less bootlickering and more "Leopards Ate My Face" material. This was heavily forseable. If they did this as a protest against copyright and announced it from the start, it would be one thing. But this was just incompetence and ignorance at a level that will likely ruin them.

The only change that will come out of this is that IA will pay a huge bill. They’re too small to even make a nudge to the copyright laws.

I just hope this pointless move won’t bring down the wayback machine.

I just hope this pointless move won’t bring down the wayback machine.

What was the pointless move you're referring to?

Stir up the hornets nest by freely distributing copyrighted physical media. The only outcome is that they will get stung.

And now they nuked the entire IA.

Well done.

Intentions were probably correct but this result is kinda ass.

"Anyone I disagree with is a bootlicker!"

No, but anyone who defends copyrights of major corporations that harm artists is a boot licker

How is distributing artist’s work freely without compensation or their permission helping them?