Donald Trump Will Speak at the Libertarian Convention. It’s Not as Weird as It Sounds. to politics – 59 points –
Donald Trump Will Speak at the Libertarian Convention. It’s Not as Weird as It Sounds.

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HA... you think that Libertarians are independent voters? American brand Libretarianism is ultra conservative and the very definition of "rules for thee not me".

I was just thinking "rules for thee..." the other day when I almost got sideswiped by a F-250 with a big no-step-on-snek sticker on the tailgate. Was just sitting still in the middle lane at a light and this guy nearly hits me zipping by in the right turn lane. He, of course, doesn't stop on red and just immediately turns right.

Couldn't care less that his 10,000 lbs, lifted, moron dozor was sticking a foot and a half out of his lane.

Anywhoo, I know that's a stupid, odd story. But that's just an example of how these assholes live their lives. Everything, even the smallest and most common sense rules, like staying in your lane, are for suckers, not them.

this is honestly why I day dream about commuting in an Abrams tank during my commute. 6/10 times I'm being tailgated it's a big ass truck. the other 4/10 are usually something like a Beamer that can't fathom that... traffic happens.

65 tons of "Freedom" causes people to back off.... I'd imagine... (the other slightly more realistic thought is getting a windshield-fluid tank and pump, setting a nozzle to squirt back and up. Load it with something like stink bombs.)

The issue with the latter approach is that in some regions of some states, you’re liable to get shot if you try something like that.

Oh. That’s not the draw back. The draw back is when it causes them to veer into other cars creating a massive accident.

Liability is a bitch.

Cutting in line is their entire identity. Just straight up assholes.

And they have the intellectual and ethical maturity of kindergarteners, so they'll eat him up.

From “we only want to pay for what we want, and especially if it hurts the people we don’t like” to “we don’t want to pay for anything at all yet somehow expect to keep all our modern conveniences working in a fashion other than a farmhouse in 1810 while we expect corporations to do the right thing.”