Microsoft won't fix Windows 0x80070643 errors, manual fix required to – 181 points –
Microsoft won't fix Windows 0x80070643 errors, manual fix required

20240520 UPDATE: I just ran winupdate on an ancient win10 surface and after the same 643 error two more times, and running through all the available updates, it's now reporting I'm up to date. yippee.
I guess the latest update finally fixed it, at least on the Surface.

Anyone tried and succeeded? Not too awful plodding through the resizing? Tips to avoid destroying a partition and having to reinstall the os?


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Tips to avoid destroying a partition and having to reinstall the os?

Start with a file system that doesn't suck, like ext4, bless the drive with a boot loader that doesn't suck, like Grub, and then get yourself a kernel that doesn't suck, like GNU/Linux, then get yourself a software stack that doesn't suck, like Arch.

I use Arch, BTW.

OP asked "how can I accomplish goal X?"

You responded "Goal X sucks, you should accomplish goal Y instead!"

That's not exactly useful.

They can avoid needing to repeatedly reinstall the OS by selecting a more stable OS.

They don't need to reinstall the OS to resolve this issue though, unless they absolutely fucked their paritions.

Which is why Microsoft couldn't automate a fix. It's incredibly easy to fuck your partitions to hell and back, especially through Windows. Too many conditions to check for and try to handle automatically.

It’s incredibly easy to fuck your partitions to hell and back, especially through Windows.

Fun fact: Windows won't allow you to delete any EFI partition (that is the only one I know of/tried) unless its through diskpart with a specific override/force option.

But then again, I somehow nuked my recovery partition by accident at some point as well.

And if they're having trouble with their car they could just hire a taxi. But they're trying to fix their car so telling them to hire a taxi is useless advice.

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bless the drive with a boot loader that doesn’t suck, like Grub

Ah yes, I need a whole separate OS just to boot my actual OS...

I would in no world call GRUB a bootloader that doesn't suck.

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