The Offspring, The Beastie Boys, Van Halen w/DLR, and the B52s. Are there other bands that rock, but are often silly/goofy and funny? to – 107 points –

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Does Weird Al count? Because he is just as talented as any "serious" musician.

Also, The Presidents of the United States of America.

I was waiting for someone to say TPUSA. Their entire first album is basically the answer to this question.

And their second album. And their third...

Unlike the other bands listed in this thread, Weird Al manages to rock even when he's covering other musical genres!

Weird Al has literally done covers including style covers of many of the bands listed in this thread!

Presidents of the USA cover: Gump

They Might Be Giants style cover: Everything You Know Is Wrong

Devo style cover: Dare To Be Stupid

I'm sure there's more, that's off the top of my head.

There's also songs that may have been initially inspired by a certain other artist but strayed far enough to be basically completely original, such as Albuquerque and (possibly my favorite Weird Al song of them all) Hardware Store.

Not to mention the polkas, which is what I really had in mind when I was talking about him making other genres rock.

Also, The Presidents of the United States of America.

The song "More Bad Times" came on my Spotify radio playlist a few years back. I had never heard the song before. I was dying of laughter. I was not at all prepared for a song that silly.