It could soon be illegal to publicly wear a mask for health reasons in North Carolina to – 445 points –
It could soon be illegal to publicly wear a mask for health reasons in NC

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Do viruses control our Congress critters like the brain worms do?

Yes, RFK accidentally revealed he had a brain worm when his died and he regained control. I'm sure his goa'uld will be replaced soon.

I reflexively down vote the term “congress critters”. It is basically the same as the “tea party”. It tells everyone how little you understand things.

Just a stupid term wielded by folks to eventually let the worst amongst us yield control. Them critters gonna get us! It’s not a system of representative democracy where we elect those to represent us! They are critters!

They’re just a bunch of critters! Not people, not criminal actors, just a bunch a squirrels!

I reflexively downvote anyone who types the word "downvote" into their comment. It typically reflects how much of a bitch the commenter is.

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