DeviantArt’s Downfall Is Devastating, Depressing, and Dumb to – 299 points –
DeviantArt’s Downfall Is Devastating, Depressing, and Dumb

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You heard it from traditional artists when the camera was invented

And photographers when Photoshop was invented

And birthed impressionism as a result. These are tools, artists will adapt.

And if they can't compete with the soulless generic crap that ai spits out, they probably shouldn't be artists

Everyone should be an artist. It doesn't have to be professionally but everyone should be creating something.

If they're not doing it for a living they don't have to compete with anyone, least of all AI

It's less of an issue with competing via comparisons of two, more an issue with never being seen in the first place as real works become grains of sand on beaches of generated content.

Every gallery in the world did not rush out to exhibit every submitted photograph with no curation or quality filter when photography was invented

A physical gallery has limited wall space. A website does not. Ai art should just be tagged as such, so it can be filtered

If youre implying that every gallery in the world is rushing to exhibit every submitted ai picture with no curation or quality filter, name 5.