McDonald's is getting rid of self-serve drinks and some locations may charge for refills to Mildly – 395 points –
McDonald's is getting rid of self-serve drinks and some locations may charge for refills

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I wish had a dime for every time I’ve seen a homeless person walk into a McDonalds, Jack In The Box or similar, just fill up their skanky ass cup (I even saw one take a cup out of the trash can outside first) from the machine and walk out, of course without paying. Like it or not this move makes sense. I don’t mind asking an employee for a refill.

Yes, let's make a worse experience for everyone in the name of hurting vulnerable people who are already suffering immensely. And you approve because it'll save a multibillion dollar company 10 cents. Cool. That says a lot about you.

Well, your response is telling as well. You night not notice, but there is a serious twist in your logic: why is it on McDonald's to feed the homeless? It shouldn't be and they cannot be called out for not doing it. By blaming companies for stuff like that, you obfuscate where the blame should really go: everyone in any form of government and everyone supporting bullshit narratives that social welfare and capitalism are polar opposites and cannot go together. Don't waste your energy on fucking companies. They will not foot the bill the government should.

If they paid their damn taxes in proportion to their use of our public services and share of income maybe the government could actually do that. But hey, you're the one who decided that the homeless person trying to survive was sufficient justification for more widespread corporate greed.

It's the governments responsibility to make companies pay their fair share of taxes.

Exactly. Don't blame fucking companies for doing what companies were always about to do. Blame the government for letting them. If you get mauled by a lion, you won't blame the lion, you (or your heirs) will blame the zoo for saving money on the fence. Why is it different with companies?

So because the zoo fucked up I shouldn't be upset with the lion for mauling people? You can be upset at two things simultaneously, and you sure as shit don't need to support making life harder for the people already being mauled. That's some "Boys will be boys" defense right there.

there is no defense in there. I never defended the company. I just called your stance that companies ought to do social welfare unreasonable. I very much like everyone to do social welfare stuff, but to blame companies when they refuse to do what the fucking government should is just a pretty twisted stance, innit?

There's a difference between providing social welfare and not actively worsening the experience for paying customers to spite the vulnerable.

that's not a 'problem' everywhere.

if they dump the free refills here and still take 15 minutes to make a simple order, i'm going elsewhere. i've already cut way down because of cost and time, i'll just forget they exist entirely. three competitors are literally adjacent. all three also have free refills, and all three can beat mcdonalds service times. prices are basically the same now, mcdonalds hasn't had that advantage since before covid.

I have literally never seen this but jack in the box is not a thing near me so likely pretty different area. All the same its easy to see why. One thing I have mentioned in inflation talks is how much the cheapest most base things have went up and soda is one of my poster children. Can still get 99 cents but only as a super loss leader which before was like 69 cents. buck 25 or buck 50 is still basic loss leader. 2 for five is a basic sale and they are 3 bucks not on sale. So it definitely doubled. Previously the cups cost more than the soda but I think that is changing.