McDonald's is getting rid of self-serve drinks and some locations may charge for refills to Mildly – 395 points –
McDonald's is getting rid of self-serve drinks and some locations may charge for refills

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Good, maybe people will drink less soda now

but it affects innocent people who wanna drink soda for fun or protect themselves

If that’s the goal, fine. But we know the real reason is profit. If people are getting less, they should pay less.

That's not the reason why they're doing this, just like how eliminating the super size option wasn't to have people eat less junk food. It's not effective in achieving that. This is just to squeeze more profits out of people, on an item that costs them pennies.

My friend worked at McD in high school. Drinks are their profit, they don't have good margins on food and expect people to buy drinks which have the bulk of their margins.

McD is definitely struggling (good riddance)

That's a good start.

But I'm assuming people going to McD are unhealthy in the first place.

No kidding. No one needs 64oz of soda with their meal. McDonald's is actually one of the few fast food places that saw an increase in customers over the last few years and they're planning on releasing a $5 meal soon.