Haley says she will vote for Trump over Biden

vegeta@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 92 points –
Haley says she will vote for Trump over Biden

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I despise the options we have this time around, not so unlike previous times around. And I know how unpopular this will be on lemmy.world. But if my choices are Biden and Trump, I am voting Trump. Also, screaming at me how stupid I am is not going to change what I just said.

I agree! People tell me that Trump stole US American Top Secret Intelligence and used his Position of Power to Enrich himself and his family and Stole the Middle Classes Wealth to give to his rich buddies and wants to criminalize Pregnancy while allowing Rapists (Priests) in Schools but I see NO REASON why I shouldn't vote for him!

Hope you're a rich, white, straight, Christian male with no health issues or disabilities. Because a Trump presidency is going to be awful for literally everyone else.

It'll be awful for them too when Trump insists that climate change is a hoax as their pale white grandma becomes the ghostly anachronism she appears to be.

I trawled through your profile a bit, enough to see that you're reasonably well meaning, but both steeped in biased propaganda and having issues from the many broken systems in the US.

My question however is how you believe that Trump will make your life better?

From my perspective (from Europe), you're exactly the type of person Trump loves grifting off of. Last time he did a lot of killing off lower middle class jobs, plundering your workers rights, protections and wages, mismanaging or dismantling support systems like healthcare, infrastructure, disaster readiness, while also increasing taxes on you. Oh, and also bumbled through the pandemic and disaster responses causing more than a million unnecessary deaths.

He also openly broke the law, got very questionable payments coinciding with odd policy changes, and leaked/sold national secrets not only betraying the institutions, but the nation itself.

He's also a known adulterer, liar, slanderer, prideful cheat.

So that would seem to disqualify him as a good pick for either policy, statesmanship, patriotism, or moral reasons.

The only remaining reason then seems to be feelings, no?

Feel free to tell me what Trump does better than Biden, for your life and/or for the nation, or whatever other perspective is more important for you.

What would change what you said? How can I change your mind?

Don't waste your time. He values hierarchy and emotions, not words or policies. Words are just excuses for conservatives. They will never be convinced by them.

Original conservatives were not fighting for George Washington in the American Revolution. They were Loyalists, Monarchists. They fought against change. All the eloquent words of the Founding Fathers didn't convince them because they didn't care about words.

Conservativism is literally anti-American. Don't use words. Vote. Convince other liberals to vote. Volunteer for a candidate that you like and support their candidacy in the primary.

Fucking vote.

You getting that sweet attention you so obviouly crave yet?

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