Would you rather be stuck in the woods with an updated Windows 11 or a Windows 7?

udon@lemmy.world to Ask Lemmy@lemmy.world – 152 points –

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I don't really get all the windows 11 hate. I have had 0 problems with it

Not everyone is ok with os not being yours and sending everything you do to someone else so they can better advertise to you.

Let's not act like Microsoft hasn't patched that into older Windows versions too.

Anything older than Windows 10 is a massive security risk. And Windows 11 is just Windows 10 with a slightly worse UI and a handful of new features on top.

If you like it and it works for you, then great. I’m in the same boat.

"Go with what works best for you"

--basically how I've lived for the last 10 years or so

Back on Reddit it seemed like a standard pattern that every once in a while some particular subject would come up that was popular to dislike, and a generalized negative sentiment would wash gently across the zeitgeist for a while before eventually receding. My theory is that being part of a mob is fun, it lets you unleash righteous anger and feel validation along with the rush of endorphins, so it's a self-perpetuating pattern.

Here on the Fediverse it feels more like a steady lashing storm of waves. Right now Windows 11 is hated. In most threads it's impossible to say something that is insufficiently negative about it without getting tons of downvotes.

Oh well. If Karma was meaningless on Reddit, it's doubly meaningless here. So I'll just keep on saying my thing.