Louisiana could become first state to require display of Ten Commandments in classrooms | CNN Politics

Rapidcreek@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 106 points –
Louisiana could become first state to require display of Ten Commandments in classrooms | CNN Politics

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I hope The Satanic Temple comes in and forces a display of their tenets in every single classroom as well. The GOP is such a disgrace. It’s the first amendment FFS; and I know they’ve read it because they’re all crazy about the second one and won’t shut up about it.

Their tenets are lit. Awesome contrast to the ten commandments: https://thesatanictemple.com/blogs/the-satanic-temple-tenets/there-are-seven-fundamental-tenets

Seems complimentary with the other 10. Boil them down and you get from the 10, "be honest", and from the 7, "be kind".

If any are displayed, then both is better than one.

Really though, the book club from a 2,000 year old fantasy novel has no place in education other than its historic significance to the art of literature.

GTFOH with this garbage take.

The first 4 of the 10 Commandments are literally "God is the most important evar"

  • You shall have no other gods before Me.

  • You shall make no idols.

  • You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain.

  • Keep the Sabbath day holy.

The 7 tenets go way beyond just "be kind", including but not limited to using science first and foremost, and that ones body is inviolable.

Not to mention the other problematic ones that actively discourage subtlety in favor of dogma. It's not automatically wrong if you covet something. Additionally, your parents earn your honor and respect, they shouldn't be granted it unconditionally.

[...] has no place in education other than its historic significance to the art of literature.

I don't think it belongs as art in literature. It's garbage, jumbled, mad texts. I'd say it belongs in studies of mythology or the analysis of our frail human minds to accept such idiocy for so long and so deeply.

That would be a really positive outcome, their commandments are pretty good.