Top 200 Defederated instances from the Fediverse (May 2024) to – 299 points –

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THREADS IS 39 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳📟📟📟📟📟📟📟📟📟

Needs to be much higher...

Should be first

Why? It's just fearmongering and would damage the fediverse


The difference is nobody used XMPP before and after Google integrated it. People are using the fediverse. I don't think people already using the fediverse will ever migrate to threads. If anything, people may realise that they can talk to threads people and leave Meta's system. Even the BBC and the European Union have their own instances. I cannot see them migrating to Threads whenever Meta messing with politics is a known issue

Has Threads already implemented activityPub or is it work in progress?

WIP. You can see threads posts from other instances but threads cannot see other instances IIRC

so it's only one way federation. hm

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I disagree.

We know what META is about and what they do. We came here because we didn't want to be treated as products and used as experiments constantly watched by "AI algorithm".

The smartest thing anybody ever said to me is, "don't let a pimp have access to the battered woman's shelter."

Almost all of us are here because we have either always thought that, or grew to think that.

Taking down a threat to free and open fediverse is the opposite of damage to fediverse.

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Threads is actually #7 on this ranking:

Meaning it is widely defederated, including by instances that have shorter block lists.

Anyway, that whole list is ugly.

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