Live Updates: Trump Lashes Out After Conviction in Misleading Speech to politics – 185 points –
Live Updates: Trump Lashes Out After Conviction in Misleading Speech

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Mr. Trump, the former president and presumptive Republican nominee, derided the trial as “rigged” and made numerous false statements about what had taken place in court

Like he would even know what took place in court since he slept through half of it

He said himself he doesn’t even know what the charges are.

Personally I’d have asked my lawyer. Probably before 5 weeks of testimony, but definitely before the verdict.

You'd think. lol

The charges against him would have been read to him in their entirety during the arraignment proceedings which come (long) before the trial. The orange dipshit probably slept through that, too.

He’s playing like the charges are too complex for his voters. He may have also been trying to suggest they are just inane technicalities that we shouldn’t worry about.

It’sa fucking act, he knows what he did, he was sure he’d get away with it, and now he’s trying to get out of it. He’ll say anything but the truth.

He had the opportunity to testify if he thought any of the statements were false... he declined.

That's all we need to fucking say - under oath he refused to refute the charges.

It kind of does say it all, but in a criminal trial, refusing to testify cannot be held against you under the 5th Amendment. In a civil trial, though, refusing to testify can be factored into reaching a verdict.

So yeah, while it may make you appear guilty as hell, refusing to testify in your criminal trial cannot be held against you.

That was hammered into us every time I had to report for jury duty.

Idealistically, you're right. But it says volumes that someone would be willing to say a lot of shit in front of a camera (where the consequences are miniscule), but refuse to say the exact same shit in front of a judge (where the consequences are serious [assuming you're not a "rich" white orange cult leader]).

Trump doesn't testify for the one reason we all know: he'd incriminate himself faster than any piece of evidence that could ever be produced.

Oh, yeah. We all know. lol. But, for better or worse, he's entitled to the same constitutional protections as the rest of us (despite the fact he routinely wipes his ass with it).

Yes, it can't impact the trial, that he didn't testify. Doesn't mean we can't infer, out here away from the court, that he put up a big front in public and slunk away with his tail between his legs in court, because he knew he was guilty and would only have made things worse if he testified, along with earning some counts of perjury.

My understanding is that it is usually idiotic to testify at one's own criminal trial, even if innocent. Preventing Donald from testifying is one of the few intelligent things the defense did, and not just because he is a loudmouthed pathological liar who would instantly perjure himself.

It is absolutely your right to not be sentenced or punished by the state for refusing to testify and that's fucking important... it absolutely isn't your right to not be publicly damaged for being an obvious shit-heel who is clearly lying every second they aren't under oath.

I think it's important to distinguish those two things.

I watched a documentary about Alex Jones' court case with the Sandy Hook victims and he did the exact same thing. In court he does nothing, but as soon as he's back in front of a camera he's straight back to peddling lies and crying injustice.

I'm sure the prosecutors will be bringing this up at the sentencing. I'm also sure the judge watched.

Since he has been convicted, everything T**** says in public can be used to influence his sentencing.