Donald Trump Should Drop Out to politics – 395 points –
Donald Trump Should Drop Out | Washington Monthly

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Saying this on Reddit would literally get you a ban. Wild. I love Lemmy.

Shortly before I left completely, I had gotten a permaban for saying "I concur" on a post of a woman in a shirt that said "punching Nazis is not a crime." Neither the post itself nor its poster were removed or banned. I appealed like 20 times before it was reversed but it made the decision to leave altogether so much easier seeing first hand ADMINS, not just moderators, defending Nazis.

Reddit admins love Nazis. Spez is a far-right psycho prepper.

I’ve seen comments removed for saying this here on lemmy. I think it depends on the context and the mod.

I've seen less getting removed/banned it's entirely dependent on the mod

Well you can report anything. Saying someone dropping dead is obviously sarcasm or a joke if you will. Saying specifics changes the tone. And then there is the whole text to human aspect where one person can read it totally different than another person.

There are some lemmy communities/instances that are very pearl clutching / boot licking. There'll be a story about like a billionaire eating live puppies or a cop murdering someone and getting away with it, and anything along the lines of "maybe someone should forcibly stop them" is removed.

Sometimes you have to get creative. I once suggested the idea of doing an impression of Lyudmila Pavlichenko and nobody said anything.