Donald Trump Should Drop Out to politics – 395 points –
Donald Trump Should Drop Out | Washington Monthly

Donald trump should drop dead

I prefer that he gets locked in syndrome for a few years. A taste of hell before he goes to the real one.

Personally, I'm hoping we can strip the family of enough wealth that they're all left destitute. Anything less will just encourage copy-cats.

Copy cats? Trump is the copy cat. The original was born in 1889 in Austria.

Nah, let them keep an income of $80k/yr each. Make a reality show out of old money trying to live modestly as middle class. I'd subscribe to HBO Max for that.

Also make sure there's an accountant with some charisma to explain their bank account balance in every episode. Need to make sure they aren't getting other sources of income. Ideally, make the accountant a black woman. Not like a skinny pretty one like you'd find hosting the, one with some meat and attitude. She'll be the host too.

I'd happily settle for a massive stroke with aphasia and a droopy face.

Nothing but his own internal monologue and no interaction with the rest of the world? That's basically a campaign rally for him. He'd love it.

No he wouldn't. There would be no one to give him external validation, which extreme narcissists crave.

Ranting and raving in his own mind, with no one to tell him he's a good boy or the yugest, bigliest smartest man to ram the ramparts, would be the worst kind of hell he could suffer.

Saying this on Reddit would literally get you a ban. Wild. I love Lemmy.

Shortly before I left completely, I had gotten a permaban for saying "I concur" on a post of a woman in a shirt that said "punching Nazis is not a crime." Neither the post itself nor its poster were removed or banned. I appealed like 20 times before it was reversed but it made the decision to leave altogether so much easier seeing first hand ADMINS, not just moderators, defending Nazis.

Reddit admins love Nazis. Spez is a far-right psycho prepper.

I’ve seen comments removed for saying this here on lemmy. I think it depends on the context and the mod.

I've seen less getting removed/banned it's entirely dependent on the mod

Well you can report anything. Saying someone dropping dead is obviously sarcasm or a joke if you will. Saying specifics changes the tone. And then there is the whole text to human aspect where one person can read it totally different than another person.

Sometimes you have to get creative. I once suggested the idea of doing an impression of Lyudmila Pavlichenko and nobody said anything.

There are some lemmy communities/instances that are very pearl clutching / boot licking. There'll be a story about like a billionaire eating live puppies or a cop murdering someone and getting away with it, and anything along the lines of "maybe someone should forcibly stop them" is removed.

Personally, I'm hoping he shits himself to death on live television at the convention.

I mean, duh.

He should have dropped out when he was found to have raped someone.

Hell, he should have dropped out when the "grab them by the pussy" tape came out. How did that work out?

Go vote for Biden if you can, is my point here.

Morally should he drop out? Yes

Politically should he drop out? Honestly, not sure. I genuinely believe that him being found guilty will not negatively affect his supporters. Somehow I reckon it might even get him more if he can spin it right - talk about it being some sort of conspiracy directly from Biden to suppress right wing voters or some shit. He's such an effective figurehead that I don't think other republican candidates could compete with his pull.

him being found guilty will not negatively affect his supporters

Yes, but they were going to vote for him anyways. Trump needs to win more moderates/alt leftists. His betting odds (which are generally much more reliable than polls) dropped 3% after his verdict landed:

I mean it makes sense. There are bets for everything. But the political betting odds website SENT me. Do you have anything to back up that they are more reliable than polls? I'm genuinely curious.

Betting odds tend to be the best prediction method for 2 reasons; the first is there is no other good prediction method, and the second is that people who spend time doing analysis will bet on one side if that side's odds are better than the market is giving it credit for. As an example, my stats professor in 2016 bet 1000$ on Trump, not because he wanted Trump to win, but because he saw the betting market was only giving Trump like 30% odds, whereas my prof estimated it was closer to 35 (or something). For the record, the polls had Trump at like 2% during this time.

Haha that's so interesting that your stats prof can make some extra dollars on the side through analysis. That's a huge discrepancy between the betting odds and the polls

Yes, but he’s not going to.

This article is a waste of electrons.

Believe me👐, the best campaign managers have told me, everybody's saying it👆, they're, saying, "Donald, drop out of the race". 🖐That would be an absolutely beautiful election move. 🤚Just terrific. 👋It's true! ✊️Nobody could drop out of a race better than I could☝️

Not bad Trumpspeak, but you’ve got one glaring error in there. Any time he quotes someone, that totally-not-made-up person calls him “sir.” Nobody would dare refer to the god-king by his first name!

Also he needs to add some slurs.

The "bad dentures" kind or the "racist bigot" kind, dealer's choice.

I wasted electrons with your mom last night.

(I had no business trying to beat her at Mario Kart)

No he won’t.

The irony of which is that; if he did, and Hailey ran instead, she likely would win over Biden. IMHO

But crazy gonna crazy. So here we are.

I think there's a nontrivial number of voters with the opinion "anyone but these two" so if either side put up a fresh candidate, they'd probably win. They won't, but you know.

He's now barred from owning a gun, but people want to give him the nuclear football? 🤔

No, they are depending on him just passing it along to Putin.

Barred from owning a gun ? Because he was convicted ?

You can't own a gun if you're a convicted felon.

You can't legally. Let's face it, there are still ways if they want to. No thanks to lax laws and enforcement of those laws.

We’d like that. Something tells me that both people who read Washington Monthly aren’t going to inform his followers.

He won't. His goal at that point is to avoid the consequences of his actions and abusing presidential powers is the best chance he has for that.

If you think that the last election was a mess, wait to see the next one. Trump has nothing to lose anymore and will reach new lows in hopes to save his own selfish ass. He has demonstrated again and again already that he lacks the moral capacity to do otherwise.

I'm waiting for the whole "Our founding fathers were criminals, and we elected them to represent us, so what's wrong with me" type of argument.

I'm kinda hoping that with an actual American in the White House this time any and all rioters that attempt to enter the Capitol building this coming January are met with volley fire and bayonets.

LMAO. That's not going to happen. I would love it but there's a better chance of snow in August.

Downvoted not because I disagree, because this might be the most pointless set of words ever written.

Anyone remember Al Franken?

Al Frankens political career got fully William Wallaced in public view for nothing while Donny Two Scoops raised millions after becoming a convicted felon.

I hate this country most of the time these days.

Yup. And Franken stepped down for merely being accused of something.

Was he accused of anything other than a silly prank photo where he was pretending to grope a woman?

If I remember correctly, he was also accused of kissing her on her lips without her consent.

Remember when just making a weird scream during a rally was enough to end your entire presidential candidacy?

2 more...

Sometimes I think about how different this country would be if he was never forced out. I wonder if he would have run for president in 2016.

2 more...

He can't. It's his only chance of staying out of prison.

Grifter gonna grift. He'll use this to his money making advantage till he is forced out.

He should have dropped out 8 years ago. He didn't then and he won't now.

This guy ain't gonna let go of anything and will happily drag the entire world into the fire just so he has something to sit on while he burns. You, personally, are his absolute last consideration

It would be hilarious if he does get elected from prison. All of his meetings with foreign leaders would need to be by Zoom or equivalent, and that's if he's able to get special privileges to do so. If not, he'd have to do it all in a 15 minute phone call once a week like the rest of the prisoners. And he might have to eat Nutraloaf lol.

At least the cost of running Air Force One would go down to zero.

Why would he? His followers keep throwing money at him. He got richer because of the conviction.

I guess with 6 months left him dropping out would be better, yeah. Other Candidates won't be able to fill the game in time.

The irony is if either candidate steps aside...

Their party is almost guaranteed to win.

If it's not trump, there goes the most convincing reason to get people to vote for Biden as president since 1988.

If it's not Biden, and literally anyone else who hasn't been openly pissing off his voters as much as Biden himself has lately, trump doesn't stand a chance.

If either one of these 80 year old powerful white men put the country above their own ego, the other is fucked.

But it'll never happen.

They're both running no matter what

Hah. No.

There is zero way that a different Dem candidate would win this if Biden dropped out. Zero. The MAGA goons alone would be hammering how much of a disaster they are and bragging about it all the way to the White House. And that's before you have to deal with the right wing media.

The MAGA goons alone would be hammering how much of a disaster they are and bragging about it all the way to the White House. And that’s before you have to deal with the right wing media.


You think they're not saying that about Biden right now?

No one that will ever vote D gives two shit what right wing media says.

But Biden is actually funding a genocide..

He is pushing for trump's border policies to be modified into the law...

And then all the things voters do want that he says he can't do.

Anyone not named Joe Biden doesn't have that substantial baggage, while maintaining Biden's biggest selling point: not being trump.

But regardless of who it is, rightwing media will say they're the devil. Which is why no rational person takes what they say into consideration

Anyone not named Joe Biden doesn't have that baggage by way of not being President at this very moment. Trump would have that baggage, for sure. So would any other Dem.

And yes, whatever arguments right wing media are using against the Dem candidate do matter. Outside the tiny, itty-bitty bubble of leftist social media, where people who actually decide elections live, that is a thing that happens.

People who actually care see Biden working to mitigate the problems in Isreal without being totally knee-jerk and making everything much worse - just letting all the jews die is not going to make things better, yes I understand that a small portion of the loud left want this but most the country recognizes its far worse than the current situation and things are super complex. Just pulling funding from Isreal is not an option that any but a very small and extreme portion of the country want, the reality is Biden position is fairly popular and even sided.

And again it is only the very very extreme left who want open boarders, most the left support border controls to some extent. Biden has hugely reduced deportation while Trump wants 'the biggest deportation operation in history' Biden allowed the building of a wall Trump started and hasn't built more, has fought to make boarders less aggressive and to provide help for those at boarders. Biden also ended family separation at the border. Saying they're the same because neither are extreme anti-boarder is just disingenuous.

The reality is soft on boarders or hard on Isreal would lose more votes than it wins.

And again it is only the very very extreme left who want open boarders,

No one in all of America wants the fucking borders open for literally everyone

That is not the only other option to Biden using executive actions to make some stupid shit trump did actual law....

I get that's it's early, but why did that need explained?

Who the fuck told you that? And why would you ever believe them?

Exactly what I'm saying, almost no one wants totally open boarders so people attacking Biden for not doing that are ridiculous.

Left purity culture doesn't care about reality, Biden has done reasonable things but it doesn't matter because no one looks to check if they agree they simply assume that it must be bad because government bad. Biden bad, everyone but me bad...

This is why people don't say what they actually want, they don't support anything - open boarders bad, restrictions on boarders bad, closed boarders bad... you can be against everything when your only defining principle is that you'll always consider yourself more radical or better than anyone else.

Exactly what I’m saying,

I don't think so...

I'm saying when that is presented as what people want Biden to do, and anyone complaining about his recent illegal moves wants, it's bullshit.

It's like when Faux News says Biden is a communist.

The media does this, so that you think their views are nonsensical and you dismiss them without actually listening to them.

You're falling for it...

Because you're still acting that anyone against Biden's recent border actions, could only want fully open borders. When literally no one serious wants fully open borders.

Yes but the people complaining are largely people who would complain about literally anything - if its pizza for dinner then he's bad for not making pasta, if it's pasta then we wanted soup...

Most people know it's pointless to take them seriously because they're not being serious, they're simply trying to use the strongest words to condemn every single position and action he takes because their underlying self image is based on seeing themselves as better and more moral than the rest of society.

This is hugely common, Christians do it all the time - im too holy and moral to have time to spare to participate in society... it'd a cop out and nothing more.

You're acting like human rights abuses in multiple countries that also break US law is just a big ole "nothing burger"...

And I don't think I'm going to be able help here

Best case scenario for me would be Biden should run, win, then immediately step down due to health concerns. Won’t happen of course.

I'm been fantasizing about Biden passing away from some clearly age related issue, simultaneously opening the race up for Anyone Else (D) to step in and highlighting how it's a bad idea to put ancient people in critical offices.

according to 538 he's polling ahead of Biden: why would he drop when he's ahead.

Those are polls from before the verdict. We'll know if the conviction changed minds in a few days.

Why would the verdict change the polling numbers? Do you think Trump supporters care about this?

Surely item 8623 in the list of reasons no sane person would vote for him will convince them!

The reality is people voting gop don't care about women, they certainly don't care about porn stars - they see this as a political stunt involving a fallen women who of course would lie to hurt their hero. The actual crime of fraud is meaningless to them, they've convinced themselves it's more evidence the dems are corrupt and evil so it'll only harden their resolve.

Vote and convince people the importance of voting, it really is very important. If they win gop will use this as a mandate to ensure 'dem political corruption can never happen again' which involves reversing decisions, packing courts, introducing crazy rules and protections for their own corruption, and likely attacking all the 'many arms of dem corruption' from artifa to NPR.