President Joe Biden calls on LGBTQ+ community ‘to wave their flags of pride high’ this June to politics – 379 points –
President Joe Biden calls on LGBTQ+ community ‘to wave their flags of pride high’ this June

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I think you mean to direct this comment to republican lawmakers who are ACTIVELY making lives worse for LGBTQ+ people. The president does not have legislative powers in this country. What do you expect the president to be able to do when the republican-run legislatures and courts have gone rogue? A proclamation here and there (literally he just did this), or an executive order (which he has signed multiple over the course of the administration). These however are easily undone by the other branches or government or by former president shitbag if he retakes the throne. I’m not sure how you can claim silence from the administration. Frustration with the whole situation, sure, but you can’t pin this on Biden.

biden was instrumental in getting us in this whole situation and only recently opportunistically switched sides to get votes.

I can't pin it on Biden, but Democrats had the majority in the House and Senate for the first 2 years of his presidency. They had the opportunity to protect LGBTQ+ people. The catch is that they would have had to end the filibuster forever. They chose to protect the filibuster.

Are you sure? I thought it was just a slim majority in the house. At no point were both majority Dems.

There was a majority in the House, and it was 50-50 in the Senate. With Harris being the tiebreaker, that's a majority.

I also remember the line from 2022 being "If you want to pass things progressives are clamoring for, we need more Democrats." So we elected an additional Democrat. Then Sinema left the party. Then Fetterman was like "Sucker!" and sprinted toward the center. And now Manchin has left the party.

So we need MORE Democrats. That's the point. If you only give us a slim majority we're beholden to the 2 or 3 blue dog conservative Dems. 2 additional progressives and we could have told Manchin and Sinema to pound sand.

2 additional progressives and we could have told Manchin and Sinema to pound sand.

Please. We elected an additional progressive in '22 and wound up with two fewer Democrats and the progressive we picked up turned out to be a centrist.

It doesn't matter how big a majority we give Democrats. There are always just enough Manchins.

So long as we perpetuate this system of legalized bribery, aka “campaign finance donations,” there will always be just enough Manchins.

That's absolutely not true. That one time you fickle fuckers gave us enough Democrats for like 4 months, we got Obamacare. Imagine what we could get with 4 years or so.

We gave Democrats a supermajority. They killed the public option with it. They made damned sure to bail out their owners in the banking industry and make sure the only one of them who saw any consequences was the guy who scammed rich people. And had no interest whatsoever in codifying Roe.

And just like Biden's first two years, they could have ended the filibuster forever with a simple majority, so your "four months" argument is just another pro-failure excuse.

I know where I am directing my comment. I don’t need you to tell me.

Although downvotes are not everything and maybe Lemmy skews one way.

I do have to ask, looking back now considering you got ratio’d. Do you take a look at your argument and see if perhaps you’re incorrect or just double down?

Not trying to call you out here. Just wondering how people with completely differing thoughts on a topic look back at them.

Clearly here it isn’t up for debate that Reps control the legislation and not the Democratic president, so your last comment is wild to me.

Only addressing your point on what downvotes mean as a reflection of understanding:

Idk about you, but I have had posts/ comments in the past that have had massive downvotes, but I also am confident in those takes because I've either studied them for my degree or I'm a professional in the field and have first hand experience. Sometimes the mob is wrong.

For instance, I am a music teacher, and understand how difficult it can be when two kids come to you crying after some incident, and while trying to manage a whole classroom I have to make a judgement call on who and how to discipline within 30 seconds. When I've said "hey I'm sorry your teacher punished you when you were the one bullied, but they also didn't have the resources and frankly we're not omnipotent, this is more of an issue administration has power over" I got down voted to hell.

That said, when my takes have consistently been downvoted to hell over a period of months, I would likely take a deeper dive. My degree was political science, and I had a harsh take on FDR, and while I still feel he's a bit overrated, I recognize I was leaning into him deeper than needed.

No. “But it could be worse” is a stupid argument that glosses over a president that’s been pretty shitty in response to a tidal wave of hate towards the lgbtq community during his administration. And I’m not going to sit here and pretend otherwise.

And for anyone else who wants to pretend, that’s all you’re doing. Pretending

You’re missing the point. They’re pointing out that Biden, as shit as he is and genocide supporting, is literally powerless to pass laws with a Republican legislature. Like it is literally impossible, you see that right.

it's also proven to be impossible when democrats control the legislature; democrats aren't the answer

What’s proven to impossible? Do new laws never get passed.

The lives of the LGBTQ+ community is infinitely better than it was when I was growing up in the 90’s, that’s called progress and I for one am supportive of those changes. Sure we can do more, but pretending things have not improved is just crazy.

things improved in spite of biden et al; not because of them.

Well if you’re not going to give props to ANY president for any positive changes, how on earth can you shit on them for any negative changes.

The dissonance here is pretty staggering don’t you think?

The dissonance here is pretty staggering don’t you think?

the only dissonance here is refusing to accept the that he was instrumental in putting us in this situation in the first place and believing that the token gestures he's given makes up for all of it.

Im going to need some examples here fam cause im not entirely sure what you’re actually talking about specifically.

Dude you’re pulling up voting records from a decade ago and one in the 1970’’s. Sure it’s wild, but how about this executive order From two years ago

Way to cherry pick your sources, ignoring the one that supersedes the others ones.

To be clear Biden is a cunt, but even a cunt appears to have grown over time.

You guys love your constitution so much but forget it was written by racist slave owning bigots.

You’ve actually helped to prove my point that things now are better for us in the LGBTQ+ community than it ever has been, had you had Trump in office right now you think it would be better. The Republicans don’t even agree with women having control over their reproductive rights for fucks same.

Democrats are shit, republicans are worse. That’s your choice. Pick one. If you can’t then don’t blame me that you have a two party system.

I’m not missing anything and this has nothing to do with genocide. He did more as VP by just standing up and speaking out. Now, he’s been practically silent.

And I don’t need apologists like you lecturing me on how the government works.

Now, he’s been practically silent.

Just because you're not listening doesn't mean he's not speaking.

Centrists gonna centrist. They're mad at reality. I'm the king of the downvotes in this sub haha

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