Operatives with GOP ties are helping Cornel West get on the ballot in a key state

Rapidcreek@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 90 points –
Operatives with GOP ties are helping Cornel West get on the ballot in a key state

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He isn't a famed left wing academic. He is and always has been a pure grifter.

Could you elaborate a bit more? How so?

he's such a left-wing academic that he uncritically repeats Putin's excuses for his colonialism, imperialism, and genocide.

Can you provide proof for the claim that he's repeating Russian propaganda? I'm reading and searching but don't find anything like that.

He’s of the far-left school that thinks the USA can do no right, that uncritically oppose whatever the USA government does. Which makes him correct sometimes but really, really wrong on things like Russia. Russia loves people like him and supports them either directly or indirectly.

"NATO is an expanding instrument of U.S. global power that provoked Russia into a criminal invasion and occupation of Ukraine," wrote West.


“When it comes to Ukraine, we must grasp the implications of NATO expansion and its potential to escalate into a catastrophic conflict,” West stated. He called for an end to the war in Ukraine and urged diplomatic negotiations to ensure both Russian security and Ukrainian freedom.


And, he’s not asking Russia to withdraw. He’s asking Ukraine to give up.

His view on Ukraine is pretty crazy, I don't think people can support him in good conscience. It's not enough to say that Russia's actions are evil if you validate their supposed reasons for invading Ukraine.

he never said Ukraine should give up.

My dad loves this joker, cus my dad is an embarrassed trump supporter. One grift to the next for him.

The only thing I could find on West saying about his "plan" for Ukraine is "I would pull back on the U.S. military support." And call for a ceasefire, all while calling himself a "jazzman of American politics" and making sure everyone recognizes the historical context of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. He specifically mentioned Alexander the Great and the Cuban missle crises.

So, withdrawaling US support while calling for an immediate ceasefire isn't what you would call "Ukraine should give up.".... I disagree. How do you characterize west's position?


it's incredible to me that you would call one of the most accomplished scholars if our time "a joker".

He's a legend in his own mind, and the handful of people gullible enough to believe him.

he's an ivy League philosopher.

Who was denied tenure. His celebrity vs his accomplishments is way out of whack. That's an obvious sign of grifter. Jordan Peterson was a professor.

just don't mention how much of a fucking antisemite Cornell West has always been

a claim made without evidence can be dismissed without evidence

Seems like the most anti-semitic thing he's done is criticize Israel.

He also defended an artist who critics have said was promoting blood libel for this picture, apparently the most objectionable.


I don't understand why people mischaracterize him. he's a good person. he's smart.

So I clicked on the link and funny how it says clowncrack as the domain.. but outside of that this link doesn’t have any merit other than the fact being nice looking personal blog.

It's hilarious what can be accomplished with a quick search. It took me less than 3 seconds to find more than 5 different accusations of antisemitism.