Crowd boos Rob Schneider off the stage when he started telling anti-trans & anti-vaxx jokes

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Crowd boos Rob Schneider off the stage when he started telling anti-trans & anti-vaxx jokes - LGBTQ Nation

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How dare a comedian make a joke.... You guys are just lame now.


If the audience is booing the "comedian", they must not be funny.

Or.... the crowd is soft and cant handle basic critique from a comic. Would you guys be foaming at the mouth is a comic made fun of christians at christian event, and everyone booed? The answer is no, you would be saying how weak the christian were.

Any community can be criticized, but the criticism should be coming from within. Eddie Izzard can make trans jokes, but Rob Schneider doesn't have an interesting perspective to share. When Ricky Gervais roasted the audience of the 2020 Golden Globes, he did it as a fresh insider.

Would you guys be foaming at the mouth is a comic made fun of christians at christian event, and everyone booed? The answer is no, you would be saying how weak the christian were.

Who's "foaming at the mouth"? I'm cringing at how lame Rob Schneider is. I don't want to be in the same room as him because I'll get second hand embarrassment.

Outsiders always have the most basic, over spoken take on shit. If you want a non political example, take every comedian who flies into to NJ to do a show in NYC and decides to make a joke about how bad NJ smells. While it true that they did smell something bad on the ride in, but that's hardly representative of NJ.

So I am not allowed to critique a group an organization with humor unless I am apart of it?

You're allowed to do anything you want and I'm allowed to boo you for it.

Agreed! And that makes you lame, boring, and illogical.

Just dont you dare ever make a joke about a religion you dont belong to, that would be super bad.

dont you dare ever make a joke about a religion you dont belong to

You're right. Child molestation isn't a laughing matter. Hard mode, figure out which one I'm referring to.

Are you suggesting religion and being trans are the same thing?

Because that means you either think both are inherent or both are a choice. So which is it?

Read back a couple comments...

Ok, this is two comments up:

You’re allowed to do anything you want and I’m allowed to boo you for it.

Said by @Duamerthrax.

Not sure why you wanted me to see that...

I guess you cant read and understand a comment thread. Have a great day!

You said:

Read back a couple comments...

I did exactly that. I went back two comments and told you what I read.

So I don't think I'm the one with the understanding problem here.

Are you kidding? It's a comedian's job to read the room and tell when their set isn't landing for shit and change tactics on the fly. Maybe he's got his own shit niche but he should learn the basics of tact if he wants gigs.

It's not the audience's fault when a comedian bombs. It's his own damn fool self.

I see a headline, I dont know if it was a real boo, or a "boo" according to the article writer.

Hospitals of Regina Foundation issued a “sincere and unconditional apology” for Scheinder’s comments during his set, which occurred at their Four Seasons Ball. Attendee Tynan Allen told the CBC that “it was just very apparent how uncomfortable everyone felt and how unacceptable the things he was talking about were.”

Maybe read the article along with the headline.

Oh wow, a person or organization caved to pressure, that is super rare...

Your previous comment:

I see a headline, I dont know if it was a real boo, or a “boo” according to the article writer.

The article you didn't read along with the thing I just quoted that you apparently also didn't read:

Attendee Tynan Allen told the CBC that “it was just very apparent how uncomfortable everyone felt and how unacceptable the things he was talking about were.”

It sounds more like you don't want people to have found him offensive. But they clearly did.

You believe everything you read as long as it agrees with you, dont you? There is a news article(s), so they appologized, has happened literally thousands of times, and then there is a quote from a person claiming a thing, literally has happened millions of times. Show me the clip and that is actually a useful thing, artles are literally useless.

You believe everything you read as long as it agrees with you, dont you

Nope. Here's me admitting I was wrong about something earlier today:

And there are, I am sure, Rob Schneider routines on YouTube and I doubt he decided to only tell trans and antivax jokes on this occasion, so you're free to find out for yourself. I have a feeling you'll decide they aren't offensive no matter what they are though.

Incidentally, even Republicans find him too offensive.

And again you are just believing what you are told and probably didnt get to the part where he literally broke their agreement...

And in what way do you think he broke their agreement?

Maybe you should listen to the video you linked and find out.

Oh I did, I just want to know exactly what you think happened.

They hired him to do clean comedy, and he did not.

Your next comment - "So you are saying that because they didnt like trans jokes then they are perfectly fine asking him to leave?!? See you are hypocritical!!!"

There is a difference between wanting content that is clean and okay for all audience, and hiring a comic that does jokes that you dont think are acceptable. I would be fine with my children going to any comic just as long as it was clean.

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If he was telling a bunch of N-- jokes, would you similarly come to his defense?

Sure, if they were done in a way that was actually funny to a reasonable person. If statements are just insults then they were never jokes, the problem is that you guys dont even allow people to make fun of particular groups, you start clutching your pearls and gasping. You guys went from the cool guy in the 90s to being super lame.

What sort of "reasonable person" would find a white person telling jokes that use that word unless the joke criticized the word funny?

Which "cool guy" comedians in the 90s told such jokes? Can you name them?

Here is an example

Trans jokes were not relevant in the 90s. What I am talking about is how in the 90s the general left side was the side that was funny and would tell any joke and the right was the more religious and pearl clutching, now the sides have reversed and you guys the are lame ones.

Your example is a joke talking about how it's a racist word. Which is not what I asked you to show me. Also, that video was from 8 years ago, not the 90s. So how does that support your point?

That is an example of the joke being funny when teh n word is used. And yes, the aspect of the N word being racist would be central role for when it would be used in a joke. That guy did it in a hilarious way and I defend his use of it to answer your first comment.

This is what I said:

What sort of “reasonable person” would find a white person telling jokes that use that word unless the joke criticized the word funny?

And then you provided me a joke (again, not from the 90s like you were talking about) which criticized the word. So I think you proved my point. Racist jokes aren't funny and neither are other bigoted jokes.

Your sentence is confusing, please rewrite if you are looking for a different answer.

And yes, racist and bigoted jokes are funny unless you are pearl clutcher. Racist against every group not just the ones you think we cant make jokes about (to respond to your next comment).

You seem to think that there are funny jokes a white person can tell using that word that do not involve any suggestion of how that word is racist.

So let's see one.

As I said before, I would guess that nearly all jokes that would involve the n word would be centered around how it is racist.

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