Justice Alito’s wife vows revenge for flag controversy in secret recording

btaf45@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 406 points –

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You can. But don't want to do what it takes: voting. For Dems specifically.

Bullshit. I vote for Dems in every election and I vote in every election.

But those traitorous fucks are there for life and you know they will hold on as long as they can to do at much damage at possible. There's no mechanism to remove them that has a chance at success as long as the fascist Republican party exists. We're fucked for generations

If you really need me to amend what I said: It takes consistent and overwhelming Dem victories.

Yeah, so they can find just enough no votes and gleefully announce their hands are tied.

Oh yes, because the dems have an interest in this.

(They could have fixed it. They didn’t.)

When could they have fixed this?

When they had control of the house and senate. You remember all the whole “we could pack the court by expanding the seats” thing?

They didn’t in part because of manchin and sinema being doucheburgers, but Biden was vocally opposed to it as well.

They had control of the house but never the senate.

You still have to overcome the fillabuster, and that takes 60 votes. And with Manchin and Sinema practically Republicans you'll never be able to scrap that stupid rule.

They didn’t have the majority? that’s interesting. Then why the fuck was Schumer the majority leader of the 117th congress? (Specifically Jan 3rd ‘21 through ja. 3rd 2023.)

Oh. That’s right they had control.

As for the filibuster…. they could have just gotten rid of it with the numbers they had.

You not read the whole Manchin and Sinema part of my post? Both are now independents and Manchin literally said he won't vote to end the fillabust

You didn’t see the part in my original comment where I recognized their obstinacy?

Or the part where Biden was opposed to packing the courts anyhow?

Why would Biden publicly announce that he wants to pack the courts, and get all of the negative political consequences of that, while at the same time having a 0% chance of adding even one Justice, therefore getting absolutely none of the benefits?

They had the majority in name only two of the Dems were almost more liberal Republicans and any attempt to force some of the more liberal legislation through was torpedoed by those two consistently.

Actually the supreme Court is an appointed for life position so unless it gets stuffed again, it can only be changed when justices die or leave voluntarily. Ergo it's literally unfixable by the common citizen unless revolution is on the table.

Geez I wonder how the GOP did it...

By asking the Dems not to fill a vacancy they had every right to fill and watching the Dems self implode instead of filling the vacancy.

Wow you don't even know how it works, but you're filled with indignation. The GOP controlled Senate refused to approve Obama's pick.

Your take is so bad that it's misinformation.