Justice Alito’s wife vows revenge for flag controversy in secret recording

btaf45@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 406 points –

What the fuck man lmao.

These people are insane and the thing that drove them to insanity was a black president who rocked a tan suit and liked Spicy Brown Mustard.

Combine that with being asked to wear a mask during a pandemic, and uh, nope, reality rejected, time to attempt a coup.

Absolute madness, I still don't understand why the right tried to turn a public health crisis into an issue of freedom and "owning the libs" or whatever.

All they had to do was sell MAGA branded masks and they could have made money while protecting their followers! Hell, they could have branded the vaccine the "freedom jab" and made getting it all about "doing your part" and patriotism. Fucking nutbars.

Because Trump said it was the flu and the pandemic wasn't happening in USA.

More proof that the party of fiscal responsibility isn't actually about that lul. They're terrible businesspeople coasting on daddy's money and abusing laws to make their money.

Oh, I assure you this is all because we forced them to desegregate. That's what forced them into private Christian schools and created this weirdo gumbo of Christian Conservative Capitalism

“You come after me, I’m gonna give it back to you,” Martha-Ann Alito said in the recording of a private conversation at the Supreme Court Historical Society’s annual dinner on June 3.

Get the fucken Mafia out of government.

These are truly wretched people that have been granted unassailable power. This scandal has no teeth - Alito is going to sit on the bench until he dies or retires during a favourable administration.

This bitch isn't even in government. It's like an army wife trying to be addressed by her husband's rank.

They look like they're flying together to me. Dont forget he said it's all her fault.

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Y'all need to unfuck your supreme court

Can't. Literally can't. Give up on us, we're done.

You can. But don't want to do what it takes: voting. For Dems specifically.

Bullshit. I vote for Dems in every election and I vote in every election.

But those traitorous fucks are there for life and you know they will hold on as long as they can to do at much damage at possible. There's no mechanism to remove them that has a chance at success as long as the fascist Republican party exists. We're fucked for generations

If you really need me to amend what I said: It takes consistent and overwhelming Dem victories.

Oh yes, because the dems have an interest in this.

(They could have fixed it. They didn’t.)

When could they have fixed this?

When they had control of the house and senate. You remember all the whole “we could pack the court by expanding the seats” thing?

They didn’t in part because of manchin and sinema being doucheburgers, but Biden was vocally opposed to it as well.

They had control of the house but never the senate.

You still have to overcome the fillabuster, and that takes 60 votes. And with Manchin and Sinema practically Republicans you'll never be able to scrap that stupid rule.

They didn’t have the majority? that’s interesting. Then why the fuck was Schumer the majority leader of the 117th congress? (Specifically Jan 3rd ‘21 through ja. 3rd 2023.)

Oh. That’s right they had control.

As for the filibuster…. they could have just gotten rid of it with the numbers they had.

You not read the whole Manchin and Sinema part of my post? Both are now independents and Manchin literally said he won't vote to end the fillabust

You didn’t see the part in my original comment where I recognized their obstinacy?

Or the part where Biden was opposed to packing the courts anyhow?

Why would Biden publicly announce that he wants to pack the courts, and get all of the negative political consequences of that, while at the same time having a 0% chance of adding even one Justice, therefore getting absolutely none of the benefits?

They had the majority in name only two of the Dems were almost more liberal Republicans and any attempt to force some of the more liberal legislation through was torpedoed by those two consistently.

Yeah, so they can find just enough no votes and gleefully announce their hands are tied.

Actually the supreme Court is an appointed for life position so unless it gets stuffed again, it can only be changed when justices die or leave voluntarily. Ergo it's literally unfixable by the common citizen unless revolution is on the table.

Geez I wonder how the GOP did it...

By asking the Dems not to fill a vacancy they had every right to fill and watching the Dems self implode instead of filling the vacancy.

Wow you don't even know how it works, but you're filled with indignation. The GOP controlled Senate refused to approve Obama's pick.

Your take is so bad that it's misinformation.

Trying to, unfortunately Republicans aren't the only ones seeking to destroy everything - the Democrats doing a damn fine job as well:-(. This isn't bOtH sIdEs BS, I'm saying that one side had a majority and did something with it, then the other side had that and... didn't. Thus by the ratchet effect, they win by default. Biden's Presidency has done so much, but the Democratic party as a whole not so much.

This is literally bOtHsIdEs bs.

I cannot imagine "knowing" as much as you, when it seems to me that the more I study, the more facets, nuances, and subtleties I uncover. Trying to fathom the idea that there are precisely and only two of every single thing on earth - genders, political parties, black or white, good or bad, even day vs. night - when what I see is a rainbow of spectral complexity, for example a very cloudy (rainy?) day or a bright moonlit night... is too constraining, nay actually heart-rending for me to do for long. You may feel free to keep your eyes squeezed shut if you must, but I promise you that if you peek out of them, you will see wonders abounding!

Anyway you are correct - it is both sides(-er-ism). But also... it is not?

"I wasted time, and now doth time waste me; for now hath time made me his numbering clock: my thoughts are minutes; and with sighs they jar their watches on unto mine eyes, the outward watch, the heart, where sorrow lies."

Alito used to be Scalia's bitch, but his wife has taken over the position since he died, it seems.

She talks just like my Karen boomer aunt. It's always extreme revenge because they can't handle that no one pays any attention to them anymore. Oh, you hate LGBTQ people? Good for you. No one cares and Hollywood will keep doing their thing. They're irrelevant. It drives them insane.

Unbelievable that the reason why the Supreme Court is intentionally delaying Convicted Felon and Sex Offender Treason Trump's treason trial and supporting the GOP's War on Democracy is because Alito and his wife hate gays.

Incoming new bill that will make it illegal to record any conversation with a Supreme Court judge and/or elected official.

supreme court justices have lifetime job security to prevent corruption.

every other position in every other part of the government has term limits to prevent corruption.

edit: apparently people are having a problem with the point I'm trying to make. my point is that minimizing corruption is the supposed reasoning for term limits but also lifetime appointment, which are exact opposites.

obviously neither can prevent corruption as we can clearly see both kinds of positions hold lots of corrupt people. but at least elected officials can in theory be held accountable for their corruption in elections. supreme court justices answer to no one. for life. that's fucked up.

No, it means they can be as corrupt as they want because they're unaccountable to anyone. They never have to be reelected and there's no mechanism for removing them, or even establishing and enforcing rules. They've found the Ultimate Loophole.

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Term limits absolutely don't prevent corruption.

I'd say they limit the impact of corruption.

Because new people can't be corrupt? For the record, George Santos was one of the newest members of Congress.

Just because you don't know their names doesn't mean they're clean.


So your answer is to just let known corruption continue.

How does that solve anything?

Term limits go both ways. They can introduce or reduce corruption. In general I think they add corruption, even if they wouldn't right this moment.

I'd rather pack the court or find another solution to fix corruption in the current court.

no, but they can surely end it sometime. a president can be corrupt but they have to fuck off after 8 years max. alito can say fuck democracy, blame his wife for it and live the rest of his life doing his best to ruin yours.

No, corruption is not the reason. They have lifetime appointments to Be independent of political leaders and to be above politics

For example, Trump maybe have appointed all too many and they may even cackle greedily while doing his bidding, but they’ll be there long after Trump is gone, doing their thing, with no ties to any remaining political leaders. Independent of politics. This is why appointing someone capable is more important than appointing a lackey, at least historically

the supreme court has never been apolitical since its inception, and it never will. people hold beliefs and opinions and that makes up their political views. they don't suddenly become empty vessels when they're appointed to any position, lifetime or not.

i don't get how appointing a lackey is supposed to be a bad idea. if anything, lifetime appointment makes it more important to appoint lackeys so your "rule" stays long after your term.

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Please proceed, Mrs. Alito.

Seriously though she's just exposing more and more how the Court is an absolute sham that isn't even close to impartial. It actually convinces me that long terms are a bad idea for everyone -- including the judges' family.

The Supreme Court must be impartial, and that binds not only the judge but their immediate family as well. It's unrealistic to expect people to show political impartiality for that long, and the way that it should work is that judges effectively give up their right to free political speech while serving. They cannot be allowed to express political opinion whatsoever.

With that in mind, shorter terms with a much larger body of justices feel appropriate. There also needs to be a new check on the Supreme Court so that their word isn't final -- the very idea goes against our idea of Checks and Balances. 2/3 of Congress, or a simple majority of Congress plus the President should be able to override the Court.

Anyway, what I remind myself when I get pissed about this -- reform will happen. These cretins have made it inevitable. The only question is when, and each time they spew their vile hate, the justices and their spouses bring us closer to reform.

The checks and balances you're describing do exist, unfortunately Congress is (and has been for quite some time now) dysfunctional. A simple majority in both chambers and the President's signature is enough to undo many SCOTUS rulings by passing a new law. They can also pass amendments to the constitution, which used to happen with some regularity, but we haven't passed one since Clinton was in office.

If you want Congress to act as a check on the court, then you need Congress to be functional.

But there are checks against their rulings.

Most of their decisions are around laws that can be rewritten to correct whatever negative outcome was seen in the court. This meets your simple majority and presidential signature standard.

For claims of constitutionality there is still a check via amending the constitution... Which is not far from your proposal of 2/3 of Congress. You just also have to clear 3/4 of the states.

I think the problem is the idiots that are supposed to be the check are fully supporting what the courts are doing--and the idiots don't actually represent the interests or will of the people.

There's already a "check" on the court. The President nominates them and Congress approves them. Also, just because the Supreme Court says something is unconstitutional doesn't mean it won't happen.

They have no enforcement mechanism. The President can execute laws how they interpret them. Congress can just pass slightly different versions of the same law. The Supreme Court is the weakest of the branches. People just need to fucking vote in their elections and the problem will solve itself.

If you go visit a small Republican town you will notice that people don't usually protest, they just donate to politicians and vote. That's how you win.

Fucking vote.

Seriously though she’s just exposing more and more how the Court is an absolute sham that isn’t even close to impartial.

Conservatives: "Who cares? We won and have full control. Morality and ethics are for the weak and for us to use as cudgels when we aren't in power."

Alito added that she has designed her own flag in her head, which she wants to have made and flown. It features the Italian word “vergogna,” which means shame.

No no no. You don't get to just use italian whenever you want to veil your shithead sense of self worth. You leave a romance language out of this and put that shit in plain English.

It's like conservatives using "Let's Go Brandon" so that they avoid the appearance of impropriety, when really, they're just self-censoring because they're too scared to say it outright.

Guts on Windsor's part to both go to this event and record her conversations. Makes me a little uneasy from a style standpoint, but I think it's worth it because it more viscerally shows that Alito is partisan and not impartial.

If I could I would award her the Medal of Freedom.

I wish it would've stayed anonymous. Then she'd get all paranoid and alternate her friends.

If everyone keeps pushing her she will have a breakdown on camera that she will never live down.