Trump Turns Bitcoin Into Test of Patriotism

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Trump Turns Bitcoin Into Test of Patriotism

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Once again Trump proves himself to be a mere opportunist and grifter without principles or convictions. While in office Steven Mnuchin tried to kill crypto at the behest of the banking industry and Trump was vocal against Bitcoin. Once he left the White House he peddled his own NFTs.

without principles or convictions

He has 34 convictions

We all know politicians have no morals. The reason he changed his stance is very simply because the crypto industry very well could get him elected. Crypto is a growing concern for a lot of people and he has to see that.

Crypto is a growing concern for a lot of people

What do you mean?

More and more people have used it or would use it or are interested in using it.

But they're almost all using it STUPIDLY, aren't they?

How many people who purport to have Bitcoin actually hold their own private key?

Now you make a very fair point there. If you hold Bitcoin on an exchange or an ETF or somebody else holds it for you, you don't own Bitcoin. That's for sure. In those cases, you hold an IOU for Bitcoin. And that's worth just about as much as it sounds. In other words, shit.

How many people hold a key to their bank's vault or deposit box?

Safe deposit box?

Everyone who has one, I hope.

It's called a Bitcoin "wallet", too. If someone else is holding yours, it's not your money.