DeSantis Declares Emergency Over Floods After Cutting Stormwater Funds

jeffw@lemmy.worldmod to – 690 points –
DeSantis Declares Emergency Over Floods After Cutting Stormwater Funds | Common Dreams

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Maybe they can nuke the floods away.

Ok, maybe I’m stupid for it, and I wouldn’t deploy one to do it for damn sure, but I can see why someone would think nuking a hurricane might work.

I don’t think we have ever made one that powerful, maybe tsar bomba, but I will admit I wondered if it would work when I first heard about it.

Besides, everyone knows that a hurricane's natural predator is a black magic marker

Random dude on the Internet thinking "hey, maybe..." That's fine. But the president should not be getting his ideas from Sharknado movies.

Even the Tsar Bomba is a little candle in the wind in comparison with a Hurricane.

All you would get would be a radioactive Hurricane.

So, you're saying we need to build a much, much bigger bomb.

/s because its' 2024 and sarcasm is dead

I will admit there is a morbidly curious part of me that wonders what could happen if we add energy to a hurricane.

It wouldn't work (I should have added /s); it would introduce new problems, not to mention the issue of radiation poisoning.

Sharpies, though, solve all problems.

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