better part of valor to Lemmy – 296 points –

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why was this AI generated?

proof: check out dude's hands.

This image is older than generative AI... Those are both their hands.

So this is the world we live in now huh? Only those who remember the images can be sure of the authenticity 😟

maybe i just haven't seen enough AI generated garbage yet but the jpeg compression should be obvious. im literally not that old such that compression artifacts aren't common knowledge. even if people don't know the name who hasn't seen it a ton aside from maybe the Amish.

The original one maybe but this ain't it chief. Plus it's pretty easy toake images look old.

It’s easy to confuse high compression JPEG artifacts with AI fuckery. IMO, if it was AI the lines would be cleaner and there would be other screwed up hands.

I've seen this for many years. I think it's both their hands

nah, homie has more of a tan than see does. Zoom in a bit, you'll see we've got good ole Johnny 20 fingers.

update, far side absolutely both sets of hands. Hers are on top and quite pale, his hand is below her's. But the near side, that ain't no kinda hand I've ever seen.

He's got his fingers and thumb bent weirdly holding her pregnant belly. It looks big but then compare it to her near hand and it doesn't seem that unlikely a size or shape to me. Shadows, light shining off his skin and image compression artifacts also may be adding to your confusion.

I think it's the compression subjects and shadows but yeah appreciated