Biden's Middle East Policy Is Horrific. Trump's Would Be Even Worse to politics – 334 points –
Biden's Middle East Policy Is Horrific. Trump's Would Be Even Worse | Common Dreams

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Where will you find that in this election?

Rumors are that America is a Democracy where more than two parties are allowed to run. Though many appear to disagree with that notion.

It is, and they are. They’ve also never gotten a single Electoral College vote in the history of our nation. They have, however, helped several Republicans get elected over the years.

They also helped Bill Clinton get elected, so that's nice.

They rarely work in Democrat’s favor. Jill Stein alone has siphoned off Democratic votes in the last five elections. Maybe that’s why Putin keeps publicizing her.

Oh, totally. But that goofy big-eared Texan with the charts and "can ah finish" helped Clinton.

Maybe Democrats need to do something like that.

There’s some hope that RFK Jr. will take more votes from Trump than Biden, but there’s too much at stake in this election to be holding our breath.

Perot was a hell of a character though. He was all over Mad magazine during that election.

Jill Stein has not been a candidate for 5 elections.

Green candidates:

2020 - Howie Hawkins - 407,068 votes nationally. 0.26%

2016 - Jill Stein - 1,457,218 - 1.07%

2012 - Jill Stein - 469,627 - 0.36%

2008 - Cynthia McKinney - 161,797 - 0.12%

2004 - David Cobb - 119,859 - 0.10%

2000 - Ralph Nader - 2,882,955 - 2.74%

Democrats blame the Greens.

Republicans blame Libertarians.

Instead of trying to blame alternatives for losing the election they could try to win over voters. But they don't seem very interested in that. Israel is a lot more appealing. And hey, even if the Democrats lose they'll have made israel very happy so they can be sure to get more AIPAC "donations" next elections.

This election isn’t about picking favorites. We are all fully aware that Trump will cause massive devastation to our nation as well as allow Putin, Xi, and Netanyahu to take what they want without resistance. Abstaining or voting third-party is refusing to stand in Trump’s way.

Biden is already giving away America to Netanyahu. If you are concerned about foreign actors I would suggest being concerned about AIPAC.

We agree that Biden isn’t great for Palestine, but he is absolutely better than Trump.

Trump noted, “They’ve got to finish what they started, and they’ve got to finish it fast, and we have to get on with life.”

“And the other thing is I hate, they put out tapes all the time. Every night, they’re releasing tapes of a building falling down. They shouldn’t be releasing tapes like that. They’re doing, that’s why they’re losing the PR war. They, Israel is absolutely losing the PR war,” Trump said.

Trump also fully supports Israel’s expansion. He repealed the law preventing Israeli settlements on Palestinian land that Biden has since reinstated.

Netanyahu was so pleased, he named a settlement after him.

At least post the full quote

What I said very plainly is get it over with, and let’s get back to peace and stop killing people. And that’s a very simple statement. Get it over with. They’ve got to finish what they finish. They have to get it done. Get it over with, and get it over with fast, because we have to, you have to get back to normalcy and peace,” Trump told The Hugh Hewitt Show.

It's really sad Democrats have to resort to out of context quoting like Republicans these days. But when a party runs on lies and populism it's what you gotta do I guess.

That’s additional and superfluous. It does not in any way negate the initial message.

Even with your classic “taking it out of context” Trump defense, this is indefensible.

let’s get back to peace and stop killing people.

because we have to, you have to get back to normalcy and peace,” Trump told The Hugh Hewitt Show.

Did you read it?

You can find many Trump quotes praising Netanyahu and other crazy shit. This is not the statement you want to pick out.

I read that along with “finishing what they started” and “without recording everything” to mean, “eradicate Palestine without documentation so you aren’t held accountable, and restore peace to Israel.”

Just try reading it once more and pretend Joe Biden said it. This time what does it say?

If Biden said that I would be certain he’s in support of Palestinian genocide.

Dr Jill Stein got arrested protesting for Palestine. She's most likely getting my vote unless RFK's poll numbers continue surging and it seems like he could actually win.

There's no way I'm letting this country make me believe my only choice is between two racist octogenarians. That is not democracy.

Jill Stein is great. Turns out she’s Putin’s puppet, siphoning votes from the left.

She’s also failed to get a single Electoral College vote out of the 270 needed to win, in her five Presidential Election career. You honestly believe that she’ll somehow get half the nation this time around?

That kind of thinking is exactly what's led us to picking "the lesser of two evils". Also the RepubDems have put up the weakest candidates in modern history. If there was ever a time for a third party candidate to win the election it'd be this cycle. Have we ever seen a third party candidate this close to the election getting almost 20 percent in multiple states like RFK is?

I voted Green Party in the 2000 election. I’m trying to prevent others from making the mistake many of us made that year that directly resulted in Bush getting elected. That election led to the wildly disproportionate response to 9/11, resulting in almost one million deaths. I protested that travesty, and I’m a New Yorker.

The reason Democrats keep putting up moderates is because they keep losing. The mentality of “showing them a lesson” by abstaining is exactly what makes them move right to capture more of the active voters. If Democrats maintained control for an extended period, the primary would become the new election, and they’d be forced to move left to capture more of the active voters.

I'm torn, in one respect that outcome kept me out of the military because I could see right through their bullshit... Wtf does Iraq have to do with 9/11?

But on the other hand, that decision kept me out of the military and I was planning on joining the Air Force after highschool in 2004... Now I'm just a completely worthless factory schmuck.

I should’ve joined the Navy. I’d be pretty well off now if I learned how to fuse fiber optics in the 90s.

If you're a New Yorker, then your 3rd party vote in 2000 did not result in, or contribute to, Bush "winning". All NY electoral votes went to Gore. Personally I think that if you live in a solid blue state, then you have the luxury of being able to vote your conscience.

My vote personally? No. My advocacy? Possibly. The Floridian votes for Nader directly resulted in Bush’s win.

Since you understand how the Electoral College works, please tell me why you see any point in voting third-party when you know they’ve never earned a single Electoral vote, let alone the 270 needed to win an election?

I'm not trying to be argumentative here lol. I don't fundamentally disagree with you, and I think that some people, especially in the most recent few elections, have decided that the only options they find acceptable are to vote 3rd party or simply not vote at all. I hope we agree that a 3rd party presidential vote, in a solid blue state, ideally with blue down-ballot votes, is better than nothing. I'm just pointing out that some people can weigh that decision a lot less heavily than others.

You’re right. Unfortunately, the vast majority of Americans are not as well educated on the structure of our government, let alone how the Electoral College works. The frequency in which I see people blame POTUS for congressional failure is terribly disheartening. Those same people have likely never voted in a mid-term election. The average person doesn’t know the difference, and my comments are meant to address the average person. A wall of text explaining where some can, and others cannot, vote third-party without actively helping Trump is only going to be ignored by those who won’t take it upon themselves to learn how the government is designed in the first place.

Frankly I see a LOT more of that misunderstanding from people who think shaming others into voting blue is an effective strategy than I do from people who express that they want to vote third party.

I understand. I’m not judging individuals who take it upon themselves to be educated on our system and know that their vote will not enable Trump’s success. I’m critical of people advocating that others vote third party without the same thorough education. It’s exactly that ignorance that ends up enabling a Republican win, and I’m sure you know what’s at stake in this election.

Have we ever seen a third party candidate this close to the election getting almost 20 percent in multiple states like RFK is?

Theodore Roosevelt in 1912 got 27.4%, George Wallace (the segregationist) in 1968 got 13.5%