Dell said return to the office or else—nearly half of workers chose “or else” to – 940 points –
Dell said return to the office or else—nearly half of workers chose “or else”

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They work in tech, promotions are achieved by moving employers. Internal mobility is always terrible in tech companies.

Very much this. I have never switched employers and not received a sizable salary bump in the process. This isn't quite "don't threaten me with a good time" territory, but it's not far removed from it.

Yup. It's the same fucked-up psychology corps use for their customers. Like running ads for super discounts for new customers. Existing customers that have never missed a payment? Fuck-em. Instead of giving 1% "thank you" for good customers, corps would rather lose the good customers and pay a premium to find new ones.

So it goes.

If you get a new customer, you may get one for several years without adding any new effort.

Yuuuup lowest pay bump I have gotten was 10k highest was over 50k with the potential of a bonus. I got low balled for a long years and am now like pay me. Wish I would have seen/known my worth long ago before getting taken advantage of

I'm admittedly not familiar with the data, but I have the impression that this is true with quite a few fields, tech or otherwise. I think they prey upon loss aversion.

I think it is just American working culture. Corporations slowly eroded benefits over the years to where we are today and your salary is pretty much stuck at a 3% cost of living raise if you are lucky. My last job had an HR cap at 10% and my boss "pulled some strings" to get me an 8% bump (with a ton of extra responsibilities) and I still made 20k less than the fucking new hires. I still stayed 2 more years.

Not just American unfortunately... crap ass managers use the internet too, the news spreads... beyond the marginal raise i get due to inflation every year i only ever get a decent raise by, well, changing companies.

I've never been promoted in a job and the biggest pay increase I've ever gotten was 10%. Switching jobs never failed to get me at least 30% more and a promotion.