Supreme Court wipes out anti-corruption law that bars officials from taking gifts for past favors to – 383 points –
Supreme Court wipes out anti-corruption law that bars officials from taking gifts for past favors

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Literally, officially, it's now entirely legal under federal law for officials to accept and even solicit bribes for specific services rendered, just so long as they do it after, rather than before, the service is rendered.

They aren't even pretending to be a legitimate court of law any more - they're just a rubber-stamping service for the oligarchy.

It's long past time to flush these turds

Yeah, they are actually just seeing how far they can go by now. This is a direct "Fuck you" right in our faces.

There is no process or procedure that can undo these people. The system has failed us.

Historically that's not true. We have had disastrous governments and Supreme Courts in the past, and yet the country somehow survived. It's just that they do so much damage while they're around.

And just because things held together in the past is no guarantee that they will hold together in the future.

Rather than saying that the system has failed us, I think it's more accurate to say that the system has been failing the vast majority of Americans for many years.

Well there is, but it's illegal and these bastards sure ain't gonna endanger their own lives.

There's also nothing stopping them from taking a bribe for something they've already done if they do something else. "Hey, I'll pay you for the books you banned if you make hrt illegal"

just so long as they do it after, rather than before, the service is rendered.

Other way around. They can accept the bribe, but only after they have given whatever political favor they sold.