Americans Show Heightened Concern About Antisemitism to – 50 points –
Americans Show Heightened Concern About Antisemitism

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I'm much more concerned about unchecked Zionism...

Two things can both be concerning

When one side is being violent and racist against innocent people and then some other people start being violent and racist against innocent people on the “other side” to counterbalance, that’s not a calm or welcoming development for anyone concerned

Except one thing is wiping out an entire people, but so totally the same thing 🤷

Saying that it's okay if one group of people that someone tried to wipe out, does whatever they want, because of course they're the victims after all, is exactly how we got to this situation where Israel is creating on Earth a for-real biblical apocalypse and people are trying to defend their right to do so.

Anti-Semitic people would wipe out Jewish people in Israel if the United States withdrew its support of Israel. That doesn't in any way justify Israel targeting civilians or engaging in genocide, but it's disingenuous to claim only one side is threatened with annihilation. Nor does it imply that both the threat and the action are "totally the same thing." Nobody is suggesting that.

Maybe you should not only be concerned with one type of bigotry and not another? Just from an equity standpoint?

I'm concerned with the one causing genocide at the moment, how about you? One seems to be a bit more unchecked and the other be the buzz word for anyone who dares to question Zionism.

I'm not as stupid as to believe that bigotry and hatred towards jews doesn't exist.

American Jews are not causing genocide. But it's telling that you are accusing us of it.

No where did they say anything about Americans...

That's literally what this article is about. Antisemitism in America.

But Jews are not causing genocide. Israelis, most of which are Jews, are the ones responsible for the genocide.

Jews in the other 194 countries in the world aren't generally taking part.

Would you say a Chinese person born in Belfast was responsible for the genocide of the Uyghurs? Is a Muslim with Saudi grandparents born in Tokyo responsible for 9/11? Of course not.

Less than half of the world's Jewish population is Israeli.

I'm much more concerned about unchecked Zionism...

And yet that's what the reply was too.

So they added an off-topic whataboutism so they could get up on their soapbox? Lol

Yes. And then you suggested it was still Jews and not Israelis that are committing genocide, so thank you for proving my point above. It doesn't matter how much I am against Israel or how much work I've done with Jewish Voices for Peace. I have a big nose and curly hair and no foreskin and that's enough.

Where did I say jews are committing genocide?

Its only Israelis and rabid zionists causing the issues but I have a massive problem if you think I'm trying to say the jews are doing it

Okay, if you didn't mean Jews, why did you say this when I talked about American Jews?

Because it sure looks to me like you're saying Jews but not American Jews.

Apparently it's not obvious that includes Jewish people in Americans

Yes, I know you're saying American Jews are not causing genocide.

What you are implying is that Jews who are not American are causing genocide.

Israeli jews are causing genocide with support of some foreign volunteers but that's a negligible %

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