Announcing the Ladybird Browser Initiative to – 533 points –
Announcing the Ladybird Browser Initiative

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They could, probably. My guess is, that it’s either a limitation of resources, the issue of licensing fees or Google‘s significant financial influence on Mozilla forcing them to make a worse browser than they potentially could. Similar to how Firefox does not support HDR (although, to my knowledge, there’s no licensing involved there).

The biggest problem most people have with Mozilla is said influence by Google, making them not truly independent.

Google probably is putting pressure on Mozilla, but if the options are licensed HECV or open royalty-free AV1, the choice is pretty clear for a FOSS project.

Yes but: HEVC is the standard for UHD content for now, until AV1 gets much broader adoption. And judging from how long HEVC took to be as broadly available as h.264, it’ll still take a while for AV1 to be viable for most applications.

Mozilla had the same problem with h.264 until Cisco allowed them to use openh264 and ate any associated licensing costs. Just from a cursory glance, HEVC licensing seems much more of a clusterfuck.

The good news is no streaming service even supports UHD in browers (except Netflix on Edge?) because of DRM. So I don’t see the value.

My Jellyfin server does and on Firefox it needs to transcode to h.264

You could use an app

I do, generally. But there have been situations where I couldn’t. And most of my friends that are using my server don’t. Dunno why.

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Yeah I'm curious as to whether there's not merit in taking the imperfect codebase and improving it.

I suppose Mozilla is already doing that as best as they can.

If 50% of firefox users donated 2 dollars per year mozilla could work for people instead of Google or at least people AND google

The problem is, most user don’t want to pay. And every time mozilla tries to monetise differently they get community backlash…

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