Let's donate for the lemmy.world server

ThisIsJohnny@lemmy.world to Lemmy Shitpost@lemmy.world – 604 points –

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I will consider donating when free speech is clearly allowed here. I'm not paying to have Reddit2 just without Spez.

Create your own instance then with free speach and hoo... i mean freedom

Can it be so? I'm pretty sure all instances must abide by these rules: https://join-lemmy.org/docs/code_of_conduct.html

What rules? There is no higher power here. Other instances will defederate you but you can do whatever you want on your own.

I think it can. Just most other instances will likely defederate you, but not all.

They cant do anything lmao just defederate and thats it.

How are you so fucking dense?

The enforcement policies listed above apply to all official Lemmy venues; including git repositories under github.com/LemmyNet and git.join-lemmy.org/LemmyNet, the Matrix chat; lemmy.ml and other instances under that domain.

Dude is literally a Nazi, so that should answer your question.

Lmao what the fuck are you talking about

They are upset that they can't be racist without being banned.


While well intentioned, it limits the freedom of speech.


I’ve had this debate already only a few days ago. Freedom of speech is not an absolute, categorical right. Freedom of Speech means “the government you reside under doesn’t restrict what you say”. It does not mean that you have cart blanche to say whatever the fuck you want, with a guarantee of no repercussions from anyone, anywhere.

If you go around shouting Nazi/white supremacist/etc. slogans and shit like that in a country that has Freedom of Speech (e.g. the US), I have precisely zero sympathy for you when you get knocked the fuck out by a well-meaning stranger who dislikes Nazis enough that they’ve made it a personal policy to beat the ever living shit out of them at every possible opportunity.

Some speech can definitely be categorized as “fucking around”; that sort of speech, despite being 100% legal in the United States, can and will lead to you Finding Out from your fellow citizens.

Does the US have libel laws? If so, why wouldn't that count as the government restricting speech?

Its so weird when people bring up freedom of speech and then they end up saying the most vile shit. Not implying anything here but I'm just saying how often that happens.

What do you specifically take issue with? I don't see anything in there that would prevent spinning up your own instance. There are already places on Lemmy that violate most of those rules, they are just defederated from most instances.

It's only a violation for their GitHub and lemmy.ml.

Only if you plan on posting nazi shit. If you don't try to post nazi shit, then your freedom won't be limited.

Yeah, I wouldn't try luck making an offensive joke...

Is that a realistically achievable condition?

It was (if not, pretty close) back in the day when Reddit started.