Prison forces trans woman into solitary confinement at a men's facility

jeffw@lemmy.worldmod to – 326 points –
Prison forces trans woman into solitary confinement at a men's facility - LGBTQ Nation

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She was raping another prisoner. That’s why she being moved. There is no consensual sex in prison.

Solitary confinement is needed in some situations. This isn’t one of them. It is overused but should never be used as a punishment. It should be used to keep people safe.

It’s a blurb of an article and I don’t know the backstory to know what the right answer is.

To me it doesn’t matter if she murdered someone or not. The prison system is supposed to be dispassionate about the crime.

The sex was not officially allowed, but there absolutely could be consensual sex in prison. The reason they don’t allow it is because in many (but not all) cases it is coerced.

There is no consensual sex in prison.

Lolwut? Inmates can consent with each other. Not everything in prison is a scene from Oz.

It’s in the article. It isn’t allowed.

Having sex as an inmate, even consensually, is considered a “504 infraction.”

Being against prison rules does not make it rape.

Non-consensual sex is rape. You can’t consent to sex as an inmate. That said, we don’t know if that’s the reason or not. We will have to wait till further information comes out

Being an inmate doesn’t mean you lose your ability to consent. They could have very well been in a relationship. Just because it was against the prison rules does not mean it was non consensual.

You are the only one calling it rape - there is nothing else implying it was non consensual.

There is no consensual sex in prison.

Between guards and inmates. Inmates are on a level playing field and can have consensual sex. Unless of course you're talking about legal technicalities in which case, the suffering is the point.

No inmates cannot have sex in prison with other inmates. It is prohibited.

So the suffering is the point. Got it.

Too much of a power dynamic. It causes to many issues in the facility for the staff and other inmates.

Typically it’s ignored in most cases but when it’s an issue they move inmates to other facilities.

And they couldn't move her to another women's facility? or another unit in the same facility? They had to go straight to men's genpop? I also don't buy that sex among peers causes too many issues. Unless it's criminal, in which case you'd deal with it on that front. Because if that was true we'd have to make sex among peers a crime in normal society too.

I have no clue why they moved her to a male facility. It’s not in the article. Until more comes out on the case, it’s a mystery.

I suspect this is a maximum security and I have no clue how many they have for women in Washington.

In Nevada where my girlfriend worked in the prison system, they only have one for women. They’d move them to another section of the prison if possible or send them out of state.

Overall though they led it slide as long as there were no issues.

Overall though they led it slide as long as there were no issues.

Overall they let rape slide? Or is it not rape now?

So we're not aware of any issues, just the ridiculous rule, and cruel transfer. Have I got that right?

No it does not appear that you have it right. The rule isn’t ridiculous at all and we don’t know why the person was transferred. She assumes that is the reason and it’s a fair assumption. Prison isn’t summer camp. It’s there to keep the communities safe by removing bad elements.

Okay so casual sex is banned for everyone then right? We all have to get married and have weekly reports to HR to make sure there's no problems?

Only three states allow conjugal visits.

In most prisons even masturbation is against the rules.

Personally I think that is a bridge to far and they should have a masturbation room.

If you think prisoners should be able to inmate sex and orgies. Write you state leaders as they can change the laws.

The problem is many people don’t care about the incarcerated. I want prisons to keep dangerous people away from society and rehabilitate those who are returning to society. I’m not a fan of prison is punishment since that doesn’t really fix anything

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It is prohibited.

Doing drugs is prohibited. Doing drugs isn't rape.

Drugs have nothing to do with consent.

I agree, something being prohibited has nothing to do with consent.

Well go argue with the law, not sure why you are bothering me with what the news reports

The law doesn't call it non-consensual or rape either. Just says it's not allowed.

An anonymous Washington DOC employee told National Review that there is “technically” no consensual sex among incarcerated individuals, but that “Washington has been mitigating the sanctions on offenders involved” if both parties claim the intercourse is consensual, resulting in “less trouble” for the offenders.

Rape is non-consenual sex. DOC employee said there is no consensual rape among inmates.

both parties claim the intercourse is consensual, resulting in “less trouble” for the offenders.


there is no consensual rape among inmates.

Technically true, but you're just further showing your misunderstanding of language.

I understand the language just fine. You seem to be ignoring the articles to form your own inaccurate opinion. Mine is fact and is yours is opinion.

In a follow-up email, Wright said he should not have used the word “consensual,” “since there technically is no such thing

If the government declared two men could not consent to having sex with each other would you call gay men rapists? Or would you say that's not how those words work?

Maybe you struggle with laws but that’s how laws work. If someone says it’s ok to kill them and you do. It’s still murder. Have a good day.

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