Literally France right now to Lefty – 293 points –

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For those who don't seem to get it:
No, this meme does not mean that you can't temporarily halt fascist electoral victory, but rather that fighting symptoms and portraying that as a "victory over fascism" completely disregard the root cause (as liberalism often does)...

Tho I'm ngl, the NFP seems to be pretty based, at least relative to the usual neolib bs

ie.: Fascism is a built-in function of capitalism and thus bourgeois "democracy". Capitalism turns to fascism when threatened, so as long as you aren't ready to give up the private ownership of the economy, you will not be able to get rid of fascism (paraphrasing Bertolt Brecht here)

sheesh, I often forget, that libs and revisionists actually believe in bourgeois democracy. If you are open to changing your mind I can recommend "Reform or Revolution" by Rosa Luxenburg

EDIT: made me aware of an ebook-specific link

I had to read that a couple of times before I understood what you are trying to say. At first glance, it seemed like you were calling democracy itself bourgeois, but I think you meant it as a specific thing that isn’t actual democracy… e.g. it’s an illusion of democracy because capitalism gives the wealthy the ability to steer the whole ship, as it were. Please correct me if my understanding is wrong.

I'm glad you took the time to read and understand it in good faith!

And yes, under bourgeois "democracy" (be it multiparty or bi/mono party dominant) you only get to choose between various representatives of capital

The system and it's laws are inherently designed in such a way, that no matter whom you elect, you still live under the dictatorship of capital

It seems so. Capitalism fundamentally unequal, which is opposite of real democracy.

I've learned that using the term "bourgeois" just confuses half of liberals and convinces the other half that you must be a tankie - I just call it liberal democracy and they get it (it does send them into reactionary fits, though).

That just exposes them as being politically illiterate reactionaries and staunch defenders of capital

Those who are open-minded will interact in good faith and ask for clarification (the thread of my overarching comment might be an example)

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