The New York Times Shows What Happens When Journalism Becomes Vendetta

Beaver [she/her] to politics – 89 points –
The New York Times Biden Vendetta Is Backfiring

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Blue Maga: "Don't believe your lying eyes."

I love how they're trying to imply it's just the Times causing these problems. It's those damn unfriendly journalists that made literally half the party and multiple big name elected Democrats and Democratic operatives think Biden was a problem. A real Failing New York Times problem.

Foreigners buying into the gaslighting just make me think they don't actually know many real life Democrats. My mom's most normie Democratic-boosting friend has been depression posting about Biden needing to step aside since the debate, all while giving a steady stream of Project 2025 infographics. It's not a media attack or a factional fight, it's a real emotion from across the party because we all saw what we saw.

The Party cannot fail - it can only be failed.

I love how they’re trying to imply it’s just the Times causing these problems.

It's depressing watching the "good" party support genocide and then start talking about lugenpresse.

Yeah, and Blue Maga wants you to deny that objective reality that you experience. In the same way Red Maga asks you deny the objective reality around DJT.

Its the same thing.

This troll is a moron. Thankfully it’s easy to block them on lemmy.

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