Trump Rally Gunman Was ‘Definitely Conservative,’ Classmate Recalls to politics – 683 points –
Trump Rally Gunman Was ‘Definitely Conservative,’ Classmate Recalls

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What merit is a person's political affiliations if they're mentally ill?

In this context, young men with mental health issues are the exact kinds of people to fall down the alt-right propaganda pipeline that the social media grifters are spewing, most commonly.

In my opinion though, his political affiliation is more important in the sense that it gives the copycat shooters and cultists less justification for the uptick we'll see in the coming weeks of attempted assassinations, death threats, and mass shootings (especially against democrats and minorities), though that's never stopped them before.

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Actually, super relevant. It shoots down (pun intended) any attempt to blame this on Dems.

Straight to finger pointing, classic. Yes, let's figure out what political party the mentally ill child belonged too so we can blame it on that sides politics. Lol

They specifically said it was to refute those claims, not use them as a weapon.

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