What life hack is so simple yet so effective, you're shocked more people don't know about it?

return2ozma@lemmy.world to Asklemmy@lemmy.ml – 337 points –

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I feel like there's a subtlety here. Ocassional Glass of wine with dinner versus binge drinking.

Of course the problem is that the first drink makes then next one more attractive and degrades impulse control... so YMMV.

One is too many and a thousand is never enough.

Edit: I do get the irony of someone with my username posting this. I understand what's wrong with binge drinking and me in general, I'm just not ready to fix it.

You and I are in the same place.

Well, I’m not in Texas, but I’m with you otherwise.

I’ll fix it sometime. Hopefully soon.

We're gonna be alright, buddy.

Thank ya. We definitely are. My problem is, drinkin’ makes everything SO MUCH FUN. If it just wasn’t so damn fun, it wouldn’t be an issue

Wow. This thread got pretty real, pretty quick. I feel you though (you too, Texas).

You're gonna be alright, too.

Thanks Tex (hope you don't mind me calling you that). I appreciate it. Same to you and Rei. We're all gonna get through this eventually.

Edit: Sorry Rai, not Rei.

Having a glass of wine every day is not healthy.

Agreed, my intent was occasional. I shall go and put that word in.

I drink pretty much only on the weekends and that’s pretty seldom.

Is one glass of wine really that bad though? Like compared to a glass of grape juice? Because of the sugars and calories and is alcohol in this percentage range (approx 14%) enough to cause damage to your liver over time?

Again I’m talking about one glass

Any amount of alcohol is per definition unhealthy. The "health benefits" of red wine can easily be attained through other foods or drinks.