The Bigger The Theft, The Lighter The Sentence? to Lefty – 1044 points –

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Tbf, sounds kinda like the homeless man wanted to get caught, maybe for the free rent.

Yeah, that wasn't remorse. That was not wanting to live on the streets and being desperate to have a consistent amount of food.

Yeah. No wonder they threw the book at him.

I mean come on, who is really the one more deserving of punishment here: the fine upstanding job creator who had a small and momentary lapse of judgement, or the clearly bootstrap-deficient monster who – after choosing to be poor – doesn't have the moral fortitude to live on the streets like he should?

I think the right answer here would be to sell the guy to the upstanding job creator. The creator gets to prove how upstanding he is. The feckless man with no bootstraps gets a place to stay. Everybody wins! How lovely and compassionate that world would be.

But surely you can't be suggesting that the homeless man should be housed for free, so that someone who has contributed so much to society has to bear the costs?

Maybe we should let the free markets decide: first, the criminal should sign a completely voluntary contract which specifies that his new owner is entitled to assign to him any work they deem a suitable compensation for his upkeep during his sentence (not signing the contract or shirking work duties leads to a doubling of the sentence and immediate transfer to an isolation cell for the remainder of his sentence), then put him up for auction and sell him to the highest bidder

Well that's it. We've solved homelessness once and for all.

Imagine living in a country where you need to steel a bank in order to get the chance for shelter and food, albeit with no freedom anymore.

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Right. Even if we assume that's the case it only explains one guy getting a harsh sentence. It doesn't explain the guy with a way harsher crime not getting a harsh sentence.

Think of it this way. If the other guy had robbed the bank empty, just for the sake of the argument he stole 3 billion, and he didn't turn himself out do you think he should've gotten 40 months?

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