Kids and their computers these days. to Lemmy – 482 points –

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What's the alternative? Locking up people who haven't committed a crime if a doctor doesn't like what they're saying? This guy probably is schizophrenic but plenty of conspiracy theorists aren't and people saying something true but unpopular sometimes sound like conspiracy theorists.

I said we shouldn't let them drive a car, not lock them in prison. Calm down.

Ideally we would provide people like this with mental healthcare, and get them medicated so that they actually can operate a vehicle without being an inherent risk to everyone around them.

My point is that, in America, you can basically be screaming "I am extremely unwell to the point of being an elevated risk to myself and everyone around me", and our usual response is to act like everything is normal and nothing should be done.

I don't think this guy would take any pills you tried to give him unless you literally forced them down his throat. (They're created with computer too.)

(They’re created with computer too.)

I've got bad news for him regarding how modern pickup trucks work.

One of those signs says please spread this on the Internet. Person has a grasp on that, so it seems to me they're basically accepting the "risk" to spread the "truth".

That is definitely not a modern pickup truck they're driving though.

I'm no expert on automobiles, but that truck would need to be 40+ years old to have no computers onboard. It doesn't look that old to me, though maybe he just kept it in good shape.

It's honestly hard to tell, because even a brand new equivalent vehicle would look very similar from the side. Pickup trucks haven't changed visually much over the years.

Again, my point is that we need to stop coming up with excuses for doing nothing, but go ahead and list another excuse.

Mental healthcare is currently unavailable as we wait for a replacement part that is on backorder. In the meantime, please accept these sign boards and this extra large sharpie for the inconvenience.

I think art therapy would work better than medication in this case.

(Also, taking away someone's driver license is tantamount to imprisonment in modern America.)