Concerned Ape (Stardew Valley): I swear on the honor of my family name, i will never charge money for a DLC or update for as long as I live. Screencap this and shame me if I ever violate this oath.

nanoUFO@sh.itjust.worksmod to – 732 points –


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Though I would 100% be fine with paying for Stardew DLC, the base game is worth so much more than its current price

I have bought it twice, possibly on sale both times but still. I’d never heard of it, and I’d never played any style of game like that, but Nintendo advertised it to me when it launched on the Switch and I eventually bought it. Later my family started taking the Switch more and I eventually bought it again in Steam. No regrets! Happy to support good games from small developers that don’t break the bank!

Oh shit, didn't know it was on switch. Is there a digital only copy or do you need the game cart?

You can get it on the eShop. Stardew is on pretty much any device that can run it. With mod support, if at all possible.

It's kinda wild to see how many big PC mods have an Android version these days.

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Bought on PC, Switch, Vita, phone… not even ashamed.

Bought it on Switch, bought it on PC... Don't even slightly regret the 2nd purchase!

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I would rather buy it again or have the update/dlc released after some sort of community milestone in buying and giving away copies.

I really like the fact that its all one complete game and also every gaming person should have a copy, regardless if they can personally afford it.

Anything that is worked on for that long is fair game for versioning. It used to be that you bought a version of a software and it was yours for life, but if you wanted the new fancy stuff, you had to buy the new version.

Now it's either a subscription or an "app" model, how long can a developer continue to support a 3€ one-time-buy app with new features? Buyers run out sooner or later.

how long can a developer continue to support a 3€ one-time-buy app with new features? Buyers run out sooner or later.

Go the Terraria route and sell merchandise!

Yeah, there's nothing wrong with paid DLC that's done because the dev loves the game and wants to make more of it.

I sail the high seas from time to time, and I think I've bought Stardew 3 times now. It is an incredible game loop, and I will support the dev however I can.

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