Kamala Harris Overtakes Trump in First Major Poll Since Biden Exit From Race

Beaver [she/her]@lemmy.ca to politics @lemmy.world – 916 points –
Kamala Harris Overtakes Trump in First Major Poll Since Biden Exit From Race

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You would rather change to the guy that's going to send even more bombs?

US Democrats at least sometimes pretend to care about having a negative image.

Until the US fixes their atrocious voting system they are stuck with choosing between "same massacre" and "worse massacre".

Yeah, he will send more bombs according to the people who also just look at thr floor and mumble whenever you bring up the fact that he bombed fewer people than almost any president that anyone alive today has ever personally witnessed. I get that you've been told he will morph into a super killer, but when you have one person who's actually done it, and someone else who hasn't, going against your observations is just kinda wacky.

He will according to his own professed and acted stance on Israel.
You say it like he already wasn't a super killer during his first term?
I'm not USian, but my country had a Trump-wannabe as president, so I know very well how it is.

Who did trump bomb? Show me a clip where trump says he will bomb palestine. Ill wait. I'm not talking about that time when he said he could end it fast that people with nothing else pretend can only mean a basket full of nukes.

He kept arming Israel at least the same as previous presidents, so certainly some of the bombs being used now were given by him. And he also supported the Zionists in the Israeli government.

He gave a single digit percentage of bombs that got detonated when compared to biden.

"Yes, but it wasn't that bad" <- you are here at the coping list.

Shall we keep going until you get to "they deserved it"?

Because you already dropped your mask, it's clear you don't care about Palestinians, you only care about Trump.

Nope. You made that up. You are coping because the horse you bet on keeps kicking Palestians to death. It is nice that you are at least aware of the coping idea, that's your first step. I think Trump is a prick. I won't vote for him.

Again, I'm not USian, I don't have a horse in this race.

I'm glad Genocide Joe is out, and hope Harris listens and doesn't follow the same bad path.

Anyway it certainly is more a problem in the legislature, the President "only obeys".

But it's delusional to think Trump won't try to make it worse.

I don't know who will be worse. There is the obvious fact that media with a long-term liberal bias says he's the hitler2.0. Maybe they are not crying wolf this time, they also said he would end the free world last time, and he didn't. We do know that biden and his crew couldn't or didn't want to find anything other than pouring millions(billions?) of hellfire down on the heads of children. I can't say that I know so for sure that the massacre happening over there is 100% better than a trump presidency. Surprisingly, whenever people do say they know this 100%, all they have is that they were told this, they have no actions to point at.

Trump is a raping, thief, likely a pedo, most likely has killed a fair number of people, but he hasn't genocided. Biden/Harris have the majority of the media on their side and they have genocided. What a shitty choice. Give me the never genocided choice, though, because 100k+ headcount is much worse than 100 rapes and a few murders no matter what color tie they wear. Either way, I won't vote for any of those scum buckets. Choosing either side and claiming moral superiority is as absurd as anything anyone ever does.

Certainly a fair share of COVID deaths are his fault, and by making Putin confident the ongoing genocide attempt against Ukraine also.

Maybe there would have been less deaths if someone else had been president. It's really hard to tell with such a unique situation. I find it hard to believe that if biden had told a bunch of anti-biden nutjob hicks that they have to wear masks and stay inside that they would have behaved any differently.

Show me a clip where trump says he will bomb palestine. Ill wait.

Show us a clip where Biden said he would bomb Palestine. We'll wait.

If you don't know about all the support and weapons that biden has been giving since October, then you are just late to the conversation, and you have a bunch of catching up to do. This isn't in any way a disputed thing.

Okay, so we're not talking about active bombing of Palestine anymore, good.

What makes you think Trump wouldn't give Israel even more support and weapons?

Right, since biden gives the bombs to Israel to actively drop instead of hopping in a plane and dropping them himself, it is OK. I know you know the kinds of gymnastics you are forced to play here. I also know that if anyone else who isn't on your side was doing this, you would be all over them. This is exactly the problem. Intellectual dishonesty in political discussions. You feel like you deserve the right to lie because you think the other side does the same. They do do the same, the result of this is you two groups of self justified compulsive liars living in your own echo chambers, making no progress and learning nothing.

Right, since biden gives the bombs to Israel to actively drop instead of hopping in a plane and dropping them himself, it is OK.

That is NOT what I said. You complain about intellectual dishonesty but in the same breath put words into my mouth that I did not say. If you want to be intellectually honest, why don't you answer the very simple question instead of going off on irrelevant tangents?

What makes you think Trump wouldn’t give Israel even more support and weapons?

All we have to go on is what people have done. Trump never genocided anyone. Trump barely supplied any weapons or did any warring. This is not the case with nearly every president for the last 100 years. Biden has shown his absolute willingness to fund and supply weapons for a genocide. I can't tell the future, but I can honestly look at the past because I'm not hell-bent on ignoring all the bad things one side does.

All we have to go on is what people have done.

Not exactly true. For example, why do you think Trump has never once uttered the words "cease fire" in regards to Israel/Palestine? Seems like a pretty simple way to signal that you want Israel to stop killing people.

Trump never genocided anyone.

Neither has Biden, or Harris for that matter.

Trump barely supplied any weapons or did any warring. This is not the case with nearly every president for the last 100 years. Biden has shown his absolute willingness to fund and supply weapons for a genocide.

...because there was no major conflict between Israel and Palestine during his presidency. He was far more supportive of Israel than any other president, so it's pretty safe to say he'd give them just as many arms or more than Biden has.

I can’t tell the future, but I can honestly look at the past because I’m not hell-bent on ignoring all the bad things one side does.

Are you sure about that? Do you not think Trump has done any bad things at all?

You started out strong. It is indeed interesting that Trump never used the term "cease fire", that genuinely is a good point. Maybe it has to do with the fact that a huge portion of his base are racist assholes.

Sadly, you just drove straight off a cliff by trying to excuse the provider of the genocide tools for the genocide. You and I and everyone who may read this all know full well that Joe and his crew is absolutely covered in Palestinian blood. To act otherwise is the exact issue at hand. We have two large groups of people, yourself being in one of those groups, that have this idea that you are justified in lying as much as you need to in order to paint your side as wholly innocent. This helps nobody. It may trick some young, impressionable children into believing your story, but it doesn't actually help. In this way, you are identical to the people who look at lying, stealing, raping, pedo(most likely), felon Donny, and brush it all aside and say it's all lies.

Has Trump done anything wrong?! Absolutely! He has done so much wrong! But he hasn't played an absolutely pivotal role in the inhumane slaughter of over 100,000 innocent people as a response to a couple hundred being slaughtered when a bunch of rebels busted down a fence that totally could have been prevented.

I appreciate you taking the time to respond thoughtfully. I highly doubt that you believe what you wrote, though. I highly doubt that you are proud to be on the team that is absolutely addicted to grinding Palestianian children into paste on a daily basis. You just feel like you have some sort of sick right to defend disgusting politicians doing disgusting things because if you don't, then you have to question if you've been making a mistake for a long time. Your ego won't allow it. That's the problem.

Sadly, you just drove straight off a cliff by trying to excuse the provider of the genocide tools for the genocide.

This is a semantic tangent that is distracting from the fact that Trump would be even worse in this area based on his widely known support for Israel. Whatever you call it, Trump is no less guilty than any other President. Trump provided arms to Israel during his presidency as well, just like every other president, and he knew they would be used against Palestinians because they have been for decades. The only difference, as I said earlier, is that there just happened to be no major conflict in Palestine while Trump was president.

I never said I agree with everything Biden does, or that it is justified, innocent, or whatever other extreme language you want to use. My only point this entire time has been that Trump would be at least as bad, and likely worse, no matter how much you willfully ignore his track record with Israel/Palestine.

I highly doubt that you believe what you wrote, though. I highly doubt that you are proud to be on the team that is absolutely addicted to grinding Palestianian children into paste on a daily basis.

Next time you have this feeling in a conversation, ask yourself "Did I actually interpret their comments accurately?"

Because the answer to that here for pretty much everything I have said is "not even close". I say "Trump would be worse than Biden" and you read it as "I support literally everything Biden does!"

So again, you need to take your own advice and engage with intellectual honesty. But you have proven at this point you can't do that, so I am going to block you. don't bother wasting time replying.

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he bombed fewer people than almost any president that anyone alive today

Oh a second ago he bombed zero people. Wonder why the inconsistency. It's a mystery.

Who said zero?

an evil fascist that never bombed any innocent people in foreign lands?

You, 2hrs ago.

You're right, I must have mispoke. I think he did about 1 days worth of Biden bombing in his 4 years in office.

You knew you said that. It was intentional. Leave this platform you weasel.

It makes no difference if trump supported a tiny fraction or none. That doesn't change the point. I have nonintention of leaving the platform so you can have an even denser echo chamber and feel even more like you are always right about everything. It is good to occasionally have a voice that isn't just singing the same robotic song over and over.

Liars are adding nothing of value to the discussion

Yeah, you're absolutely correct. That's why I advocate for honest discourse, even if it means making your preferred party look how they actually are. This whole thing where both sides feel justified in lying because the other side does it is absurd.

You advocate for trump and trump alone and that prick has never intentionally told the truth in his life.

Look through my comments. I've called him a lying, stealing, rapist pedo who I detest and I would never consider voting for. Your preconceived notions are falling flat very rapidly.

Lol The only reason I'm still interested in calling your bullshit is that you keep providing evidence that you're a fucking LIAR

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You repeatedly have said that about Trump.

Yes, I misspoke, he also supplied some bombs that killed some people, but his whole career doesn't match an average week of Biden or bush or any other president any of us have seen in our lives.

Whoopsies. Democrat bad, not voting good.

Give your energy to what you believe in. If you hate poor foreigners, then give your energy to people who kill them mercilessly. You do you.

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