FULL SPEECH: President Joe Biden gives address after dropping out of 2024 election

MyEdgyAlt@sh.itjust.works to News@lemmy.world – 257 points –
FULL SPEECH: President Joe Biden gives address after dropping out of 2024 election

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They’ve been saying the same thing for 3 years. This doesn’t make sense without some sort of realization or external pressure.

Disapproval is very different from potential voters wanting someone else (a specific other candidate, not a generic candidate). He thought he could convince voters that he was still the best option.

He realized he was wrong. Maybe if State of the Union Biden showed up to the debate things would be different. But we'll never know.

Maype he watched a recording of the debate and realized everyone on stage was too old to be running for president?

Maybe? Selfishly, I still wish he’d offered complete candor to sate my curiosity. Maybe in his memoirs.

He did offer complete candor.

I believe my record as president, my leadership in the world, my vision for America’s future all merited a second term, but nothing, nothing can come in the way of saving our democracy, and that includes personal ambition.

He still thinks he's perfectly capable of being an excellent president. But the voters disagree, and he's stepping down to give us the best chance of stopping Trump.

I'm sure you don't like his answer, but that's his answer.

Yeah, he won't openly say how his entire inner circle kept yelling at him "FOR FUCKS SAKE JOE STEP DOWN WE'RE FUCKING LOSING THIS!" before the election.

The story behind it is that he was finally shown how terrible his numbers really were in swing states. Apparently, they looked very bad and were trending even further down.

The story also goes that the reality of the situation had largely been hidden from him by his closest confidants up to that point. Add in all the party and public pressure, and it really doesn’t seem too far fetched that he was finally forced to face up to the bleak outlook of his chances going forward.

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...you haven't felt anything change in the past month? They absolutely haven't been saying these things for 3 years.

If by “they” you mean the news, then I’ve noticed a change. Insofar as actual human people and their opinions in my city, they’ve been static. Progressives sighing and regressives screeching. How have the human people in your city changed their opinions?

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