Outrage after French MP says Israelis 'not welcome' at Olympics

return2ozma@lemmy.world to World News@lemmy.world – 369 points –
Outrage after French MP says Israelis 'not welcome' at Olympics

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Fuck Israelis, why are they welcome anywhere? Every Israeli, every Russian, should be sent the fuck home.

That's uh

A little bit too Nazi for me bro

He said sent home, not killed.

That's how it started.

Not really...

Ah, that is quite interesting... I didnt know about this. However, you should note that it was a recurring idea by many countries (whether Madagascar, or some other region), due to the Jewish diaspora which was culturally incongruent.

The nazis were instead fanatical, and aside from directly targeting jews with extreme hate, attacks, the "final solution" was drawn up and relentlessly pursued throughout the war. I havent read up whether its idea origins are somewhere in 1935-1939, but I would assume so.

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