Bitcoin Bros Go Wild for Donald Trump to politics – 36 points –
Bitcoin Bros Go Wild for Donald Trump

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Whatever make BTC going up it's something good. I will shit on these wokecrats rankling while I eat caviar and drink champagne in my yatch.. punks..

Poe's law? Can't tell if this is serious or not. I'm hoping this is sarcasm that's just running afoul of Poe's law, but it's a bit hard to say.

Yeah... other comments by them make it pretty clear that this isn't sarcasm.

“Woke” is a term that sociopaths use instead of the word “empathy.”

Gimme a sec..let me ask in my wokie talkie..

My son also made up silly words at 5 years old to try to make fun of people.

Try ChatGPT, it can probably come up with comebacks 1000x funnier than yours.

Translation: I have no intrinsic redeeming value as a human so I’m going to try and use bitcoin as a measure of merit.

You should be less concerned about BTC going up than your mom going down because only one of those is happening every day.

And to be clear, I’m not being mean. I’m the COO at the dick sucking factory and I’m worried about staff exhaustion.