A Reddit User Admitted To Pirating a Movie 12 Years Ago. Movie Studios Want To Unmask Him.
In what appears to be an escalating incursion into a user’s digital privacy, a collective of film companies continue to implore the court to compel Reddit to surrender its users’ personal details. This move is part of an ongoing piracy liability case against Internet Service Providers. Reddit, however, steadfastly resists, staunchly defending its users’ rights to anonymous speech.
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This is fucking pathetic.
I, too, downloaded movies 12 years ago. Fuckin losers. I also used Napster, come at me.
You'll get the chair for Napster.
Zapster amirite
I did the most egregious thing back in the day and rented DVDs from the video store, ripped them, then returned them.
Netflix dvds in the mail, 3 dvds at a time...practically daily ripping.
I used to do the same with CD's from the local library........ and then seed them
I've been pirating my whole life!
How can I pirate your life as well?
I, too, choose this user's life.
FBI!!! OPEN UP!!!!!
Instructions unclear. *cums
Shhhhhhh bro facebooks watching come on bro don't be like that