Donald Trump Photo Without Ear Bandage Raises Eyebrows to – 413 points –
Donald Trump photo without ear bandage raises eyebrows

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I don't remember reading that; what article said that?

Not a Trumper

Trump's doctor, Ronnie Jackson, said it in an interview. He also said the bullet "produced a 2 cm wide wound that extended down to the cartilaginous surface of the ear.

Obviously from the current state of Trump's ear, he's full of shit.

That doesn't read like a chunk of his ear was missing. It reads like a shallow graze. No sutures were required.

Trump's Doctor said a bunch of things.

I 100% believe that those articles existed (largely echoing Trump's doctor), even if I didn't see them personally. Different segments of the press assign different amounts of reliability to different political figures. It seems like the Democrats / Leftist print is to the advantage here compared to the Right who published the articles about the exaggerated claims of Trump's Doctor.

Ronny Jackson is a crazy person, I'd just like to state

Democrats are the left, not leftists, and the "prints" of those two are only truly united in not liking Trump and other Nazis.

Democrats at best are center-right. Obama himself admitted during his initial run in 2008 that had it been the 1980's, he would have been running as a Republican.

The ACA is RomneyCare, not ObamaCare.

These are the same Democrats that tried to hand Republicans literally everything they wanted regarding the border on a silver platter in the last fucking year.

Calling them any kind of "left" is a joke. They're liberals, which is center-right.