Tested: AMD Ryzen AI 300 brings serious performance to Copilot+ PCs

mrddu3at2@lemmy.world to Technology@lemmy.world – 44 points –
Tested: AMD Ryzen AI 300 brings serious performance to Copilot+ PCs

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It's the kind of thing that in a few years you'll be glad to have because some tasks will be offloaded from the GPU to the NPU, one I can think of is the background blur in video conferencing software or microphone noise suppression

GPUs are already really good at those, and GPUs are not a fad.

GPUs are already good at those things. But NPUs can be better at those things - and probably more energy efficient too - given optimized domain-specific models to work with.

Cpus are already good enough for terminal display, why would I want a GPU? ;)

This but unironically. I'm obsessed with off-grid, low power processing. I don't want a stupid fucking NPU I won't need nor use.

Then don't get one? I don't use tampons bit I don't feel the need to yell about not buying them

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That's still something that works more than good enough without the use of an NPU. We'll see if better use cases come out in future but I'd still prefer that power and die area go to raw CPU processing power.

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