Tested: AMD Ryzen AI 300 brings serious performance to Copilot+ PCs

mrddu3at2@lemmy.world to Technology@lemmy.world – 44 points –
Tested: AMD Ryzen AI 300 brings serious performance to Copilot+ PCs

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GPUs are already really good at those, and GPUs are not a fad.

GPUs are already good at those things. But NPUs can be better at those things - and probably more energy efficient too - given optimized domain-specific models to work with.

Cpus are already good enough for terminal display, why would I want a GPU? ;)

This but unironically. I'm obsessed with off-grid, low power processing. I don't want a stupid fucking NPU I won't need nor use.

Then don't get one? I don't use tampons bit I don't feel the need to yell about not buying them

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